  • 學位論文


Impact of Learning Motivation and Achievement by Using Animated Agent on English Instruction for Elementary School Students

指導教授 : 洪振偉


中文摘要 國小英語實施後,學童學習英語受到重視,文獻指出語言學習與學習動機有密切關聯,近年來有不少國內外相關文獻探討虛擬人物或動畫教學代理人在學習上的應用,動畫代理人對學習動機的維持亦受到研究者的注意。本研究目的是要瞭解國小學童在現今生活環境中,多媒體充斥以及網路遊戲氾濫、學童上課專注力普遍不足的情況下,教師以IDML(Interactive Drama Markup Language) 互動式劇本描述語言操控動畫教學代理人編寫英語教材,做為英語課堂上的輔助工具,是否能吸引學童注意力,引起學生學習英語課程的動機,進而達到良好的學習成效。本研究以臺中市某國小五年級一個班為受測對象,使用動畫教學代理人互動式英語教材輔助教學做長達十七週的實驗,並以另一個班級為控制組做比較。研究工具包括以J. Keller的ARCS model動機量測問卷設計的「五點量表問卷」、「問答式問卷」及「期末英語定期評量」為後測。施測所得資料以SPSS統計分析,依所得數據解讀資料,研究結果發現動畫代理人做為國小英語課程教學之輔助工具,確實能引發學習者興趣,進而提升學生學習的動機,學生因為動畫代理人教學輔助工具的加入,更加喜歡英語課程,也有較好的學習成效。本研究根據研究結果提出建議,以做為國小英語教學及未來相關研究之參考。


Abstract Animated software agents have been applied in variety of computer-based multimedia learning environments. Researchers suggest that students learn better when studying math or science with animated pedagogical agents as an aid than a traditional instruction. In the previous research, we have developed a scripting language, Interactive Drama Markup Language (IDML), for instructors who are not computer experts for rapidly edit and configure the presentations of the animated agent. Furthermore, a related learning system for display the edited animated agent has been implemented. The primary goal of this study is to investigate whether the motivation to learn English is promoted by animated pedagogical agents scripted by the instructor who uses IDML. In this research, one class in a fifth-grade in Taichung City as a subject learned interactive animation English teaching materials created by IDML. The instrument of our investigation adopts the ARCS Model. The students completed a modified version of the Instructional Materials Motivation Survey that consists of four subscales: Attention, Relevance, Confidence, and Satisfaction. Strong positive relationship among four subscales was detected. Results indicate students were moderately motivated by the teaching aid of Animated Pedagogical Agents in English course. Moreover, the results also indicated that students who learned interactive animation English teaching materials created by IDML improved speaking , reading, and writing abilities significantly. Keywords:Animated Pedagogical Agents, Learning Motivation, ARCS Model


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