  • 學位論文


A Model Examining the Relations among Self-Esteem Motivation, Fan Identification, Self-Esteem Experiences, and Watching Intention for Graders

指導教授 : 高立學


本研究探討孩童觀賞運動中自尊體驗的存在,根據各相關文獻內容發展「自尊體驗量表」測量自尊體驗的強弱。來驗證孩童觀賞運動「自尊動機」、「球迷認同」、「自尊體驗」和「觀賞意願」關係模型及相互的影響。 假設1.球迷認同愈高,觀賞自尊體驗愈高。 假設2.球迷認同愈高,觀賞意願愈高。 假設3.觀賞自尊動機愈強,觀賞自尊體驗愈高。 假設4.觀賞自尊動機愈強,觀賞意願愈高。 假設5.觀賞自尊體驗愈高,觀賞意願愈高。 本研究於校園運動會大隊接力賽後,針對高年級共八個班級發放227份問卷,扣除1份無效問卷,共計226份為有效問卷,有效的回收率為99.9%。根據226位有效的樣本使用SPSS統計套裝軟體進行資料分析,資料分析方法包括敘述性分析、信度分析、變異數分析、迴歸 方程式,並且來檢定本研究假設是否成立。本研究顯著水準設定Alpha= .05。以自尊體驗為依變數,班級認同與自尊動機為自變數,驗證H1、H3,以迴歸方程式分析兩者皆為顯著,這兩個假設都獲得支持;以觀賞意願為依變數,球迷認同與自尊動機、自尊體驗為自變 數,驗證H2、H4、H5,迴歸係數部分只有自尊體驗標準化迴歸係數有顯著,而班級認同與自尊動機兩者的標準化迴歸係數為不顯著,顯示H5假設獲得支持,而H2與H4沒獲得支持。


This study investigated the experience of children watching the existence of self-esteem movement, according to the related literature content development "experience of self-esteem scale" measuring the strength of self-experience. To verify the child spectator sport "Self-Esteem Motivation ","Fan dentification", "Self-esteem experiences " and "Watching Intention" relationships and mutual influence. Assuming 1.Those who have higher "Fan Identification", have higher "Self-Esteem Experiences". Assuming 2. Those who have higher "Fan Identification", have higher "Watching Intention". Assuming 3.Those who have higher "Self-Esteem Motivation", have higher "Self-Esteem Experiences". Assuming 4.Those who have higher "Self-Esteem Motivation", have higher "Watching Intention". Assuming 5.Those who have higher "Self-Esteem Experiences", have higher "Watching Intention". The Relay Team at the campus after the Games, a total of eight classes for high school issued 227 questionnaires, excluding one invalid questionnaires, a total of 226 questionnaires were valid and effective recovery of 99.9%. According to a sample of 226 valid use of SPSS statistical software for data analysis, data analysis methods included descriptive analysis, reliability analysis, analysis of variance, regression equation, and to test the hypotheses are justified. The level of significance set Alpha=0.05. Self-esteem experiences as dependent variables, class identity and self-esteem motivation as independent variables, verify H1, H3, the regression equation of both of which are significant, these two assumptions are supported; to watch as the dependent variable will, Fan Identification and Self-Esteem Motivation, Self-Esteem Experiences as independent variables, validation H2, H4, H5, partial regression coefficient is only Self-Esteem Experiences significant standardized regression coefficients, and class identity and self-esteem motivation of the two standardized regression coefficient is not significant, indicating H5 hypothesis is supported, and H.2 and H.4 not supported.


高立學(2008)。球隊認同低的人為什麼要觀賞球賽? 休閒運動期
