  • 學位論文


The Study on the Influential Factors of Elementary School Students’ Physical Fitness-Take The Elementary School Students in Dongshi and Heping Districts for Instance

指導教授 : 徐尚為


本研究的主要目的在於瞭解東勢、和平區國小五年級學童健康體適能現況,並藉由橫斷面研究方式,探討背景因素和健康體適能、健康生活型態之相關情形。本研究採方便抽樣的方式,選取東勢區七所、和平區九所學校共436位五年級學童為研究對象(原住民學童80位,非原住民356位),研究方法為測量學童的體適能表現,施測項目包含身體質量指數、坐姿體前彎(柔軟度)、立定跳遠(瞬發力)、仰臥起坐(肌力及肌耐力)和八百公尺跑走(心肺耐力)等,並以自行設計之健康生活型態問卷進行調查研究,所蒐集之資料以描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、薛佛法事後分析法、逐步回歸分析法等進行資料統計與分析。所得到的結果如下: 1. 和平區五年級學童在坐姿體前彎、立定跳遠和仰臥起坐等項目的表現優於東勢區五年級學童,但東勢區五年級學童在八百公尺跑走的表現優於和平區五年級學童。 2. 原住民學童在坐姿體前彎、立定跳遠、仰臥起坐和八百公尺跑走等項目的成績皆優於非原住民學童。 3. 男學童在立定跳遠、仰臥起坐和八百公尺跑走等項目的比現優於女學童,女學童在坐姿體前彎的表現優於男學童。 4. 學童是學校校隊成員及曾代表學校參賽者,在體適能四個施測項目中的表現,皆優於非學校校隊及不曾代表學校參賽者,而有參加社團者,除仰臥起坐外,其餘項目的表現皆優於未參加學校社團者。 5. 在健康生活型態認知方面,東勢區學童的各分項平均得分皆高於和平區學童,而非原住民學童的各分項平均得分也高於原住民學童。 由以上結果可得到結論如下: 1. 本研究歸納出影響體適能表現差異的因素有生活環境(地區)、族群、性別和運動參與程度。 2. 對於非原住民學童,在體育教學上應適度引導以增加其運動的機會和身體活動量,期能增進學童體適能,養成其規律自主的運動習慣。 3. 對於原住民學童應加強飲食習慣、運動習慣觀念的宣導,學校亦應針對學童個別體能發展及興趣,協助其課餘休閒活動的安排。


The main purpose of this study was to understand the current status of health-related physical fitness among the fifth grade elementary students in Dongshi and Heping districts. A cross-sectional study, involved health-related physical fitness test and questionnaire, was conducted to look into the relation between physical fitness and personal characters, and the relation between physical fitness and health-related lifestyles. Data of study population, 436 fifth graders (80 aboriginal students and 356 non-aboriginal students) from Dongshi and Heping district primary schools, were analyzed by mean of descriptive statistics, t test, one-way ANOVA, Scheffe’s method and stepwise multiple linear regression analysis. The results of the study were : 1. Fifth graders from Heping district have better performance in sit and reach, standing long jump and sit-ups. On the other hand, students from Dongshi have better performance in eight hundred meter walk-run. 2. The health-related physical fitness of aboriginal students were better than those of the non-aboriginal students. 3. Male students have better performance in standing long jump, sit-ups and 800- meter running .On the other hand, female students have better performance in sit and reach . 4. Those who were sport team members of elementary schools have better performance in health-related physical fitness; students who participated in extra-curriculum activities have better performance in sit and reach, standing long jump and 800- meter running and working. 5. In the cognitive of healthy lifestyle, students from Dongshi got higher average scores than Heping students in questionnaires test, and non-aboriginal students had higher scores than aboriginal students. The main conclusions of this research were as follows: 1. The factors that affected health-related physical fitness included race, gender, nature environment and exercise participation. 2. Different contents should provide in physical activity curriculum for non-aboriginal students to help each individual in developing exercise habit and good health-related physical fitness. 3. Schools should strength advocacy in proper dietary and leisure activities for aboriginal students.


AAHPERD (1980) : Health Related Physical Fitness Washington, D .C.: National Education Association.
