  • 學位論文

以AIR 與RIA技術建構數位化學習系統之研究

Research on Construction of e-learning System Applying AIR and RIA Technology

指導教授 : 陳偉


由於網路科技的蓬勃發展,引發起數位化學習系統網路建構的新風潮。當學習系統擁有廣大用戶與具備影音視訊線上服務時,網路頻寬即受到考驗,導致資訊傳遞的中斷或延遲,影響學習品質及效能。本文藉由AIR(Adobe Integrated Runtime)與RIA(Rich Internet Applications)兩項新技術的結合,建構網路學習系統新架構,解決以網路瀏覽器為基礎的網路應用系統,無法使用用戶端作業系統的限制,使系統同時保有網路應用的功能及兼具視窗桌面作業系統操作的能力,將集中於伺服器端的處理架構,轉移部分工作於用戶端,降低系統對網路、頻寬的依賴,完成系統即使在離線的狀態亦能保有網路局部的資源。


數位學習 AIR RIA 用戶端 伺服器端


With the development of learning system providing real-time video online service, network bandwidth limitation often leads to delayed or interrupted information transmis-sion, affecting the system's quality and performance. In this article, we combined two of the latest technologies, AIR and RIA, in the construction of a new framework for e-learning systems. Through the new e-Learning system framework, we can make full use of client-side and server-side resources, a system with the capacity of network applications, while preserving the functions of the desktop operating system. We can spread part of the serv-er-side processing architecture to the client-side thus reduce the dependency of the applica-tion on the internet bandwidth to enhance performance. By addressing the problem of limi-tation of the web browser-based web applications to utilize the client-side operating system, the system can also retain partial local networks road resources even when it is offline.


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