  • 學位論文


The Research of Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement for e-commerce development in China and Taiwan - A case study of electronic signature law

指導教授 : 吳尚儒


兩岸於2010年正式簽訂海峽兩岸經濟合作架構協議(ECFA)後,為加強和增進兩岸雙方之間的經濟、貿易和投資的合作,將進一步增進雙方的貿易與投資關係,建立有利於兩岸經濟繁榮與發展的合作機制。電子市場無法目睹實體商品,無法確保商品之完整性及是否符合所需,因此極易造成交易糾紛,消費者因顧慮交易安全,而減損其購物之意願。在法律層面來說,電子商務的架構仍是建立在傳統商務上,在網路與電腦蓬勃發展後,使電子商務在時間、區域空間及速度等方面均較傳統商務增加其業務彈性,而型態亦日趨複雜與多樣化。而電子商務同樣會發生一般傳統商務可能會面臨的法律問題,加上電子商務本身之特性及快速發展,而產生許多新興的法律問題。 本研究透過探討兩岸電子商務交易所衍生之相關法律問題與國際相關之電子商務立法,並對兩岸雙方相關交易問題之案例做解析與整合,分析是否有更合適的規範或法律以保障電子商務市場及其發展。 研究結果發現,對產業界而言,電子商務的形成將有利於貿易便捷化,縮短交易時程,可以減少生產與分配財貨與勞務的交易成本,企業能更有效的管理供應鏈,並讓企業與客戶間的溝通更加便利。台灣在技術、創意與整合能力各方面來說不輸中國大陸,在電子商務的國際競爭力優於多數已開發國家,與對岸擁有13億人口之中國大陸合作,更是拓展商機與版圖之好機會。對兩岸關係而言,ECFA的簽署為經貿關係提供制度化和正常化互動的基礎,在ECFA架構下,兩岸將以知識產權保護與合作、金融合作、貿易促進及貿易便利化、等方向推進。兩岸電子簽章行為裡,所立法目的、行為的規範、與程序的要求,都極為近似。兩岸電子簽章行為法規,兩相比較之下,台灣對於簽章行為管理較為寬鬆,不已公法干涉私法行為,又以公法權利捍衛私法行為,可為大陸未來發展電子商務借鑒。而大陸在此法規上,雖對私法行為詳列甚細,且明列規範條則與罰例,但確實詳盡的規範電子商務行為,也可確保電子文件在此環境下的存在價值與風險。電子商務的重要安全要件就是資料的隱密性、認證性、完整性以及不可否認性,如此一個強而有力的制度保護是必然需要的,如何在貿易的自由與制度的健全,是兩岸電子商務未來可以共同合作發展的。


Signed in 2010 between China and Taiwan cross-strait economic cooperation framework agreement (ECFA), will enhance mutual trade and investment relations, the establishment of cross-strait economic cooperation mechanism for prosperity and development. The legal level, the structure of e-business is still based on traditional business, in the vigorous development of Internet and computer, after the e-commerce in time, space and speed zone than the traditional business to increase its operational flexibility, and style has become increasingly complex and diverse. E-commerce and the rapid development of its own characteristics, and produce many new legal issues. This study of cross-strait commerce transactions entered into with the international legal issues related to e-commerce legislation, and related transaction issues the two sides to do analysis and integration of the case, analyze whether there is a more appropriate norms or laws to protect e-commerce market and its development. The results showed that the industrial sector is concerned, the formation of e-trade facilitation will help shorten the time of the transaction process, reduce production and distribution of wealth and goods and services transaction costs, companies can more effectively manage the supply chain and allow enterprises to communication with customers more convenient. Taiwan in the technology, creativity and ability to integrate all the parties concerned do not lose mainland China's international competitiveness in e-commerce is better than most developed countries, and the other side of the 1.3 billion people of mainland China co-operation, it is good business opportunities with the layout of the opportunities. Cross-strait relations, the signing of ECFA is the normalization of trade relations and interaction provide the basis for the institutionalization, in ECFA agreement, both sides will be intellectual property protection and cooperation, financial cooperation, trade promotion and trade facilitation, such as the direction of advance. Both sides in the electronic signature act, the legislative purpose, behavioral norms, requirements and procedures are very similar. Behavior of electronic signature laws and regulations both sides, the two comparison, Taiwan is more generous for the signature behavior management, endless interference in private behavior of public law on, he defended the right to private conduct of public law, the future development of e-commerce can learn from the mainland. In this legislation on the mainland, although details on very small private behavior, and the next article is listed specifications and penalty cases, but the exact behavior of a detailed specification can also ensure that electronic documents in this environment, existence value and risk. Elements of e-commerce is an important safety data privacy, authentication, integrity, and non-repudiation, such a strong system of protection is certainly needed, how to trade the freedom and integrity of the system is the cross-strait commerce future development can work together.


