  • 學位論文


Aesthetic economy and Consumer culture: Spatial Reproduction of Creative Life Industries

指導教授 : 張峻嘉


自政府推動「挑戰2008:國家發展重點計畫」,「創意生活產業」,便是政府積極推動的一項新興產業,隨著「產業文化化、文化產業化」的發展趨勢,過去產業因為加入不同元素而轉型成為休閒農業、觀光工廠、地方文化館等產業型態,在競爭激烈與消費者市場品味生活提升的需求下,如何永續性經營將是重要課題。 本研究採用個案分析方式,根據大台中創意生活產業之產業觀察 來分析產業型態之現況,目的是希望能在創意生活產業中找尋特有的 創意理念去營造給消費者在參與創意生活產業中能在獲得最大利益, 利用消費文化改變與空間美學的角度觀點去解開在創意生活產業中 所產生的體驗所帶來之趨勢及潛在商機;其發現產業創業者的熱忱與 認同感所產生之魅力為創意生活產業中的最重要之內在要素,所創造 其產業空間的再生產之價值,相對地整合空間美學利用及發揮其最大 效益來帶動其連結與多元分配才是創意生活產業永續經營的核心元 素。


Since the Government to promote the "Challenge 2008: National Development Plan", "Creative Living", is the Government is actively promoting a new industry, with the "bring culture, cultural industries" of the development trend of the past industry due to the additional different elements of the transformation into a leisure agriculture, tourism plant, local cultural centers and other industry types, in a highly competitive market and consumer demand to enhance the taste of life, how sustainability will be an important management issue. In this study, case study approach, according to the industries of the Taichung Industrial creative life observation to analyze the current status of industry type, in the hope of life in the creative industry can find creative ideas to create unique to consumers living in the creative industries can participate in the maximum benefit, the use of consumer culture to change the aesthetic point of view and space to unlock the creative industries arising from life experience brought by the trends and potential business opportunities; its discovery industry entrepreneur's enthusiasm generated by the charm and sense of identity for the creative industries in the life of the most important internal factor, the space created by the industry, the value of reproduction, the relative integration of the aesthetic use of space and maximize its effectiveness, and promote its link with the multi-distribution industry, is the creative life of the core of sustainable elements.


University Press.
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