  • 學位論文


Effect of Work Status on Depressive Symptoms among the Older Adults in Taiwan

指導教授 : 董和銳


台灣近年來老人憂鬱盛行率逐年升高,老年退休後工作情況的變化與社會角色的定位對中老年身心的影響很重要,因此本論文旨在探討台灣中老年人工作情況有無與憂鬱狀況的變化。 研究方法:利用行政院衛生署國民健康局「台灣中老年身心社會生活狀況長期追蹤調查」資料中之2003年與2007年資料,主要研究對象為57歲以上之中老年人,以人口特性、工作狀態、憂鬱狀況變化等次級資料進行分析,以受訪中老人2003年之工作狀況為基準,並以羅吉斯迴歸分析中老人四年之間工作轉變對其2007年憂鬱症狀之影響。 結果顯示:2003年與2007年台灣中老年人的女性比男性還憂鬱;年紀越大者憂鬱情況越高;迴歸分析後發現工作轉變對憂鬱有影響,2003年至2007年四年之間持續無工作者憂鬱情況是持續有工作者的1.76倍;在控制受訪者之自評健康與日常活動功能狀態之後,工作對憂鬱的影響變為不顯著( 勝算比為1.08),此顯示,相對於持續無工作者來說,四年之間持續有工作者同時也是健康狀態較佳的老人。 結論:工作對心理支持影響甚大,不再工作通常就會失去在職身分地位、社會角色,對個人之身心狀況產生巨大衝擊,中老年人退休或不再工作的原因很多,但根據本研究結果,似乎與身心健康有顯著相關。一般來說,身體健康的變化比較會引起各界的注意,而對於老人心理健康或憂鬱的情形比較容易被忽視,也許我們更應該對老人之心理健康及生活品質的關懷更加關注。


憂鬱 工作 社會支持


In recent years, the prevalence depression among the elderly in Taiwan has increased significantly. This study aims to explore the relationship between work status and depressive symptoms among the older people in Taiwan Data for this study are from the fifth and sixth waves of the Taiwan Survey of Health and Living Status of the Elderly. The survey followed a national representative sample of older since 1989. Participant aged 57 and over in 2003 were included in this study. Logistic regressions were used to examine the relationship between work status and depressive symptoms. The results showed that: in both the 2003 and 2007 waves, older and female participants were more likely to be depressive than did their counterparts. Regression analyses found that, compared to those who continue working between 2003 and 2007, participants who were not working during the period were more likely to have depressive symptoms (Odds Ratio = 1.76). However, after controlling for self-rated health and activities of daily living, the odds ratio became non-significant (Odds Ratio = 1.08). Conclusion: In modern societies, work has been a major part of a person’s identity, in addition to providing a means to live. Leaving a job usually implies a loss of an important identity, which might have impacts on older people’s psychological well-being. The reasons to stop working in old ages could be complex, however, it seems to be associated older people’s health status. Compared to the deteriorating of physical health in old age, less attention has been directed at older people mental health. More attention should be paid to improve older people’s mental health.


depressionsocial work support


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