  • 期刊


A Study of the Perceptions of Resource Allocation Considerations of Intercollegiate Athletic Coaches in Taiwan


本研究的主要目的在於瞭解我國大專院校運動教練對資源分配考量之認知,同時探討對各種資源分配考量因素的認同情形與運動教練之背景特性、運動團隊特性、及自覺團隊運動成就間的關係。研究者以自編的「我國大專院校運動團隊資源分配考量因素調查問卷」作為資料收集之工具。以系統隨機取樣法選出315位國內大專院校運動教練,作為本研究的對象。所使用之資料分析方法包括:描述性統計、單因子變異數分析、t檢定、皮爾遜積差相關、因素分析等,各種顯著水準的認定,均以α值=.05為標準。 研究所獲結果如下: 一、教練對資源分配考量各因素之認同程度中,以「宣傳效益」之平均得分最高,而「傳統地位」則最低,位居其問者分別為「組訓需求」、「競技表現」和「校內形象」。 二、教練的年齡與「傳統地位」考量的認同程度呈顯著正相關。 三、甲組代表隊教練對「競技表現」考量因素之認同程度,顯著高於乙組代表隊教練。 四、男子隊教練對「宣傳效益」因素之認同程度,顯著高於女子隊教練。 五、愈自覺成績表現或整體實力優於校內其他代表隊之教練,愈不支持以「校內形象」作為資源分配之考量。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the perceptions on resource allocation considerations of intercollegiate athletic coaches in Taiwan. In addition, the study examined the effects of demographics, sport teams’ characteristics, and coaches’ evaluation of their performance on the recognition levels of different consideration factors. A researcher-designed instrument, “Resource Allocation Consideration of Intercollegiate Sport Teams Survey Questionnaire”, was used in data collection. A total of 315 intercollegiate athletic coaches were involved in the investigation. The data were treated through the use of descriptive analysis, one-way ANOVA, t-tests, Pearson’s product- moment correlation analysis, and factor analysis. Alpha coefficient was set at .05 for all computations. The study found: (a) among the consideration factors, “Publicity Effects” had the highest recognition level, and “Team Seniority and Position” the lowest, with “Operation Needs”, “Competition Performance” and “Team Image on Campus” in between; (b) there was a significant positive correlation between coach’s age and the recognition level of the “Team Seniority and Position” factor; (c) coaches of Level A teams had a significant higher level of recognition on the “Competition Performance” factor than their Level B counterpart; (d) coaches of male teams had a significant higher level of recognition on the “Publicity Effects” factor than coaches of female teams; and (e) the better a coach perceived his/her team in terms of game results or winning potential against other teams of the same university/college, the less he/she recognized the use of “Team Image on Campus” factor in resource allocation.


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