  • 期刊


Critical Factors that Affect Nine to Twelve-Year-Old Children's Overarm Throwing Distance Performance




Throwing is a common movement among the upper extremities activities. It not only comprises a series of rotations of the body in the sagittal plane, but forceful overarm throwing action can show whether the movement pattern is mature or not. This study was designed to exam the relationship between the developmental skill patterns of children's throwing and throwing distance performance. The second purpose of this investigation was to find out critical factors that could influence throwing distance performance including throwing skill recognition, strength, height, weight. One hundred four students, aged 9-12, volunteered to participate in the study. Each subject threw a tennis ball as hard as he/she could toward a forward area. A video camera at the subjects'right side was used to obtain the subjects' motions. The relationship between the developmental skill patterns of children's throwing and throwing distance was examined by Pearson correlation space (p<.05). The relationship between these critical factors and throwing distance was also examined by Pearson correlation space (p<.05). This study adapted Burton's amendment of Development Sequences for Overhand Throwing from Roberton which measured throwing patterns and classified them into five components, including: Backswing (steps 1-4), Humerus (steps 1-3), Forearm (steps 1-3), Trunk (steps 1-3), and Foot Action (steps 1-3). The result showed that each of the five components and total points were associated with increased throwing distance. All of these factors including skill recognition, strength, height and weight were associated with increased throwing distance.


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