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A Kinematical Analysis of the Shotput Rotational and Gliding Technique


目的:分析國內選手採用旋轉式鉛球投擲技術與背向滑步式鉛球投擲技術動作之運動學參數,並比較兩者之間的差異。方法:使用3D攝影分析,兩台Redlake高速數位攝影機(125Hz)同步取記錄鉛球選手的三維投擲動作資料。所得的影像資料由Kwon3D 3.0動作分析系統進行數位化、直間線性轉換(DLT)與各運動學參數的運算。結果與討論:背向滑步式投擲技術在開始傳遞階段的鉛球速度較旋轉式快;旋轉式的後半段(傳遞期、最後用力期)速度改變較背向滑步式的大;旋轉式投擲技術的身體角動量從開始到結束均較背向滑步式大;旋轉式投擲動作的鉛球高度及身體重心高度較背向滑步式高;旋轉式投擲技術的鉛球及身體重心運行總長度較背向滑步式長。背向滑步式投擲的滑步階段之鉛球速度較旋轉式投擲的跨步階段快,而在最後用力的後半段到鉛球離手,則是旋轉式的較背向滑步式的快;旋轉式投擲動作獲得較背向滑步式投擲動作多的身體角動量。結論與建議:建議想從背向滑步式改練旋轉式投擲的鉛球選手們,能先加強身體旋轉的穩定,度再注意各肢段的旋擺增加身體角動量,藉由旋轉的力學優勢,提高咄手速度,增進成績表現。


鉛球 3D攝影分析

Parallel abstracts

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to analyze and compare the shot put rotational technique with the conventional gliding technique, and to find the difference between them. Methods: Three-dimensional analysis method was used. Two Redlake high-speed digital cameras (125Hz) were gen-locked to record the three-dimensional shot put motions. The images were digitized by Kwon 3D motion analysis system. Consequences and Discussion: The shot velocities of the gliding technique were higher than the rotational technique in the beginning and the delivery phase, but were lower than the rotational technique in the thrusting phase. The rotational technaique had more body angular momentum than the gliding technique. The positions of the shot and the body center of mass of the rotational technique were higher than the gliding technique. The moving length of the shot of the rotational technique was higher than the gliding technique. Conclusion and Suggestions: We suggest shot-putters who want to practice the rotational shot put technique should enhance the body rotation stability in the beginning. Then concentrate on the rotating of each segment increasing the angular momentum of the body. They can increase the release velocity to improve the performance using the biomechanical edge of rotation.

Parallel keywords

shot put 3D analysis


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Bartonietz, K. E.(1990).Proceedings of the First International Conference on Techniques in Athletics.
Kwon, Y. H.(1993).The effects of body segment parameter estimation on the experimental simulation of a complex airborne movement.
Luhtanen, P.,Blomqvist, M.,Vanttiene, T.(1997).A comparison of two elite shot putters using the rotational shot put technique.New Studies in Athletics.12(4)

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