  • 期刊

鉤藤五種萃取物對Kainic acid 誘發大鼠腦組織脂質過氧化作用效用之比較

Comparative Effect of Five Extracts of Ucncaria Rhynchophylla 0n Lipid peroxidation in Kainic Acid-Treated Rat Brain Tissue


鉤藤是中藥的一種,由於它有平肝熄風的作用,所以傳統中醫常用鉤藤來治療癲癇。我們先前研究已知鉤藤在大鼠可抑制kainic acid(KA)所誘發的癲癇發作,這個作用可能與降低大腦皮質的脂質過氧化作用有關,但鉤藤的有效成份至今而然是一個謎。本研究的目的是為了進一步暸解鉤藤的抗癲癇成份,用KA誘發Sprague-Dawley(SD)大鼠大腦皮質的脂質過氧化,使脂質過氧化物濃度升高, 來比較鉤藤五種萃取物的抗脂質過氧化作用之效用。方法是將6隻SD大鼠腹腔注射pentobarbital(50mg/kg)麻醉後,將它們犧牲取腦,並剝離出大腦皮質,磨碎製成懸浮液,然後將上清液加入KA(120 μg/ml)後,分別加入不同濃度(1mg/ml,0.1mg/ml,0.01mg/ml)之五種鉤藤萃取物或Vitamin E(10mM),以thiobarbituric acid 法測定脂質過氧化物的濃度。結果顯示濃度愈高的鉤藤萃取物,其抗氧化能力愈大。鉤藤萃取物在高濃度(1mg/ml)下,Ur-I(鉤藤甲醇抽出物),Ur-Ⅱ(鉤藤正己烷層萃取物)及Ur-V(鉤藤水層萃取物)的抗脂質過氧化作用相似,甚至與Vitamin E沒有顯著的差別。鉤藤萃取物在濃度0.1mg/ml時,Ur-Ⅲ(鉤藤酸性二氯甲烷層萃取物)的抗脂質過氧化作用較Ur-I或Ur-V小。當鉤藤革取物在0.01mg/ml更小的濃度下,Ur-Ⅲ和Ur-Ⅳ(鹼性二氯甲烷萃取物)的抗脂質過氧化作用較Ur-I小。另外,Ur-Ⅳ 的抗脂質過氧化作用也比Ur-V 小。無論在1.0mg/ml,0.1mg/ml或0.01mg/ml 的濃度下Ur-Ⅲ和Ur-Ⅳ兩者的抗脂質過氧化作用相似。 我們的結論是鉤藤抗癲癇之有效成分可能存在於甲醇抽出物、正己烷層萃取物與水層萃取物中,而非在二氧甲烷萃取物中。


Uncaria rhynchophylla (Ur) is a Chinese herb, has an action of calm the liver Medicine. In our previous studies, we found Ur can inhibit kainic acid (KA)-in-and this effect of Ur possibly results from inhibition of duced epileptic seizures, lipid peroxidation, but the antiepileptic component of Ur remains still unclear. The aim of the present study is to investigate antiepileptic component of Ur, using KA-induced lipid peroxidation of cerebral cortex to increase the levels of lipid peroxide in Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats, and their suppressive effect of lipid per-oxidation were compared among five extracts of Ur. A total 6 SD rats were studied, brain of the rats was removed after anesthesia with pentobarbital (50mg/kg i.p.) and the cerebral cortices were separated from the brain. The cerebral cortex was immediately homogenized and centrifuged. Kainic acid (KA. 120μg/ml)was added to supernatants, and then different concentration (1mg/ml, 0.1mg/ml, 0.01mg/ml) of five extracts of Ur and Vitamin E (10mM) was added to the was added to supernatants, samples, respectively. The lipid peroxide levels were determined by measuring concentration of malondialdehyde. The results indicated that dosage and suppressive effect of lipid peroxidation have a positive correlatively relationship in all five extracts of Ur. In concentration 1mg/ml, similar suppressive effect of lipid peroxidation was observed among Ur I (extract of Ur with methyl alcohol), Ur–II-(extract of Ur with n-hexane), Ur-V (extract of Ur with water) and vitamin E. In concentration 0.1mg/ml, Ur-I and Ur-V have grater suppressive effect of lipid peroxidation than Ur-Ⅲ(extract of Ur in acid methane dichloride). In concentration 0.01mg/ml, Ur-I has greater suppressive effect of lipid peroxidation) than U r-III or Ur-IV (extract of Ur in alkaline methane dichloride). In addition, Ur-V has greater suppressive effect of lipid peroxidation than Ur-IV. The suppressive effect of lipid peroxidation was similar between Ur-III and Ur-IV in concentration 10.mg/ml, 0.1mg/ml and 0.01mg/ml.In conclusion, the anticonvulsive component of Ur possibly dissolves in the methyl alcohol, water and n-hexane solution, but not in the methane dichloride solution.
