From 1980 to 1984, there were eighty-one stroke patients, who had suffered from ambulatory dysfunction and received physical therapy in the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, National Taiwan University Hospital. All of them had received at least twice of complete clinical motor functional evaluation and gait analysis during their treatment period. All the patients were evaluated by means of Brunnstrom motor stage evaluation and gait analysis forms. The average duration from the date of onset to starting PT was 43.7 days. All the patinets had received physical therapy in an average duration of 67.7 days. There were remarkable improvement in their sitting, standing and walking a lity. Comparison the number of patients in various gait patterns between the initial and the final gait analysis, revealed that more patients had walked with normal gait pattern distributed in ankle, knee or hip regions during stance or swing phase. Various typical abnormal gait patterns were also described and analyzed in this study. Comparison between the gait pattern and the movement control ability of stroke patients revealed that the higher the control ability of ankle, hip motions of Brunnstrom stage Ⅳ or knee motions of Brunstrom stage V was the better the gait patterns would be. (P<0.05) The involvement of passive motion sense in stroke patients was also significantly related to the gait patterns.
From 1980 to 1984, there were eighty-one stroke patients, who had suffered from ambulatory dysfunction and received physical therapy in the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, National Taiwan University Hospital. All of them had received at least twice of complete clinical motor functional evaluation and gait analysis during their treatment period. All the patients were evaluated by means of Brunnstrom motor stage evaluation and gait analysis forms. The average duration from the date of onset to starting PT was 43.7 days. All the patinets had received physical therapy in an average duration of 67.7 days. There were remarkable improvement in their sitting, standing and walking a lity. Comparison the number of patients in various gait patterns between the initial and the final gait analysis, revealed that more patients had walked with normal gait pattern distributed in ankle, knee or hip regions during stance or swing phase. Various typical abnormal gait patterns were also described and analyzed in this study. Comparison between the gait pattern and the movement control ability of stroke patients revealed that the higher the control ability of ankle, hip motions of Brunnstrom stage Ⅳ or knee motions of Brunstrom stage V was the better the gait patterns would be. (P<0.05) The involvement of passive motion sense in stroke patients was also significantly related to the gait patterns.