



平滑肌肉瘤 肉瘤


Leiomyosarcoma (LMS) is a relatively uncommon mesenchymal tumor that exhibits smooth muscle differentiation. Only 3% to 10% of LMS arise in the head and neck. Most LMS involving the oral tissues primarily affect the maxillary sinus, the maxilla or mandible. LMS of the tongue, like the present case, is a rare lesion. Clinically, they generally appear as a painless, occasionally ulcerated, slowly enlarging, subcutaneous or submucosal mass. The tumors are usually firmly fixed to surrounding tissues. Histologically, the tumor was composed of spindle-shaped cells with elongated, ”cigar-shaped” nuclei and eosinophilic cytoplasm. We report a case of LMS involving the tongue of a 57-year-old female. Tracing hack to her history, she visited an ENT Department of a local hospital due to a reddish, nodular lesion on the right lateral border of tongue, and the diagnosis was mucocele. Then she came to another hospital for an incisional biopsy, and the pathological report was fibrosarcoma. Finally, she was referred to our department for help. Intra-oral examination showed a 3×2.5 cm exophytic, indurated lesion of the right lateral border of tongue. Therefore, she received right supraomohyoid neck dissection and right partial glossectomy on 2002-08-30. The surgical margins were tumor free and no lymph node metastasis was observed. Now the patient was kept on follow-up and no signs of local recurrence could he detected.


LMS Leiomyosarcoma Tongue Sarcoma
