  • 期刊


The Definite Translation and Corpus-hermeneutic Methods: A Solution for Term Translations


華文社會如何翻譯外來名詞是一個相當重要卻被忽略的問題,本文之目的是提出研究名詞翻譯的方法模式,以作為未來研究之基礎。研究者採用「限定譯名法」發展標邊的「限定譯字」並以此為基礎建立「限定式英漢音譯表」,研究結果可望解決臺灣地區英文人名的音譯問題,並且能夠與大陸地區的譯字相容,有利於未來華文社會的會通本研究亦建議採用「語料庫詮釋法」解決術語翻譯問題,並從而導出一門「文化翻譯學」,整合本土化研究與知識移轉型研究之間隙。道此, 翻譯不應是受人輕視沒有研究績效的工作,而是堅實的基磐研究,也是本土文化向前發展的重要契機。


In Chinese-speaking societies, how to translate foreign terms has been an important but neglected issue. According to the principle of ”definite translation,” this paper provides a set of Chinese words for translating foreign terms and establishes an English-Chinese transliteration table. The set of words and the table would help toward the improvement of the translation of English names in Taiwan. The translation based on the set of words and the table is also compatible with the translation based on the systems adopted in the PRC. The method of ”definite translation” would make a contribution to the promotion of the knowledge transfer among Chinese-speaking societies. The paper also notes that the ”corpus-hermeneutic” method would remove some difficulties in translating foreign terms. A ”science of cultural translation” based on the idea of ”corpus-hermeneutic” translation would bridge the gap of indigenous researches and the knowledge transfer researches. Finally, the paper argues that translation must be treated as an important basis for the development of indigenous culture.
