  • 期刊


Hu Shi and Yan Fu: A Comparative Study of Their Translation Viewpoints




This essay is a preliminary comparative study of the viewpoints of translation between Hu Shi and his predecessor Yan Fu, with an aim to show what they differ from each other in their translation businesses. Four aspects to be explored: (1) Translation Motivation: both of them used translation as a medium to introduce contemporary Western knowledge, thought, and theory, in the hope that they could help solve the various difficult situations facing the then China. The subjects Yan Fu covered are mostly logic, politics, economics, sociology, and science, which are broader than those of Hu Shi, who rather focused on such topics as the "Chinese Renaissance," the construction of new culture and literary language, and education with John Dewey's Experimentalism/ Pragmatism as guidance. Hu also imported new theories from the West in order to innovate on Chinese literary creation, yet, with a tint of personal hobby involved in. (2) Translation Strategy: For rendering Yan Fu adopted classical Chinese, also known as "Tongcheng Style," a commonly used language among the elite in Imperial China, while downgrading vulgate Chinese used by the ordinary people. Yan believed that keeping fidelity to the original meaning of the source text was the supreme policy. Hu appealed to the public, employing vulgate Chinese, a living language, and domesticating the foreign text, tried to make translations as clear and fluent as if they were originally written in a living Chinese language. For Hu believed that classical Chinese was a dead language and thus lacked vitality. Furthermore, Hu would rather not do any translation if he failed to retain the genuine meaning. (3) Translation Purpose and Influence: Yan's translated texts were mainly addressed to the literati who had the power to reform the then backward government, by arousing their awareness. But, as time elapses, the number of Chinese readers who are well-versed in classic Chinese is now dwindling. Consequently, the dissemination of Yan's texts seems to be on the decline. Hu's translated texts were geared to setting up examples of literary creation for Chinese intellectuals in order that they might emulate and producing what he termed "literature in the national language" and "the national language of literary worth." Today, Hu's advocacy of adopting vulgate Chinese for creative writing and translation has been proven to be justifiable and it still sustains a large readership. (4) Translation Methodology and Its Application: Yan's and Hu's translation views and translated texts are, as a research base, examined to explore possible phenomena appearing in their translating activities and compare relationships between their ideas and practices in light of Translation Studies.


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