  • 期刊


Food Safety Assessment of Agaricus blazei Murrill by Micronucleus Test


前3500年蘑菇用於食品已有紀錄可考。近幾百年來,就如同人類的食物與飮料般,蘑菇被認爲是人類食物的營養品,最後更演變成醫療用途。目前各種不同品種的蘑菇其某些重要具療效的成分先後被鑑別出。某些硏究指出磨菇或其萃取物具抗腫瘤、抗病毒、抗發炎、降血糖與血脂以及減壓效果,在這些蘑菇當中以巴西蘑菇爲最令人感興趣。雖然巴西蘑菇具無數療效,但在食品安全性卻缺乏。爲了解巴西蘑菇是否會導致細胞遺傳基因毒性,本硏究以微核試驗觀察染色體是否損傷。25隻雄性BALB/c小鼠平均分配到非治療組、陽性對照組以及高(4000 mg/Kg)、中(2000 mg/Kg)、低劑量治療組(1000 mg/Kg),治療後48與72小時製作血液抹片。在網狀紅血球數方面,每1000個紅血球中,含網狀紅血球數目之各劑量組與非治療組間,無論在48或72小時,均無顯著差異。在微核發生率方面:每1000個網狀紅血球中,含微核數目,各劑量組與非治療組間,無論在48或72小時,亦無顯著差異,代表食用劑量高達4000 mg/kg/body weight(268倍)時,仍不會造成實驗動物基因斷裂之異常現象。




Humans have used mushrooms in their food since ancient times, with the oldest archaeological record dating from 3500 BC. For many centuries, mushrooms were used as nutrients in the human diet, as agents of fermentation in the production of food and drink, and finally as medicine. Interest in the use of mushrooms and/or their extracts as dietary supplements has increased significantly, in part because of studies that have confirmed their antitumor, anticarcinogenic, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, hypoglycemic, hypocholesterolemic, and antihypertensive effects. An interesting example is Agaricus blazei and cultivated in other areas including Taiwan, Japan, Korea, China and Indonesia. ABM possesses therapy activity as shown by some reports, but there are only few reports regarding food safety evaluation. To determine whether food exposure to Agaricus blazei murril (ABM) results in a significant increase in the level of cytogenetic damage, micronucleus assay were designed to evaluate the genotoxicity. Male mice were randomized and allocated into untreatment group 1, positive control (mitomycin C) group 2 and experimental (third to fifth groups) groups of five animals each. Groups 3, 4 and 5 were orally administered high (4000 mg/Kg), medium (2000 mg/Kg) or low (1000 mg/Kg) doses of ABM. After treatment, we collect the blood smear at 48 and 72hr to observe the number of reticulocytes per 1000 erythrocytes. We also monitor the number of micronucleated erythrocytes per 1000 reticulocytes. The data showed that there were no statically significant differences of numbers of reticulocytes per 1000 erythrocytes among untreatment group and experiment groups. We also prove that there were no significant differences of numbers of micronucleated polychromatic erythrocytes in peripheral blood with all three different doses in BALB/c male mice compared with untreatment control but not positive control. recommendation that Agaricus blazei murril can be used as without genotoxicity and no harm to health.


