  • 期刊


Ameliorating Effect of Yin-Chiao-San on LPSinduced Liver and Kidney Injuries in Sepsis Rats


本研究目的為評估銀翹散乙醇萃取物(YCS)對實驗誘導敗血性大鼠的抗敗血作用。以脂多醣(LPS)誘導敗血性大鼠,雄性SD大鼠分成正常組、LPS組、LPS加YCS(0.1g/mg)組(YCS 0.1)、LPS加YCS(0.5 g/mg)組(YCS 0.5)、LPS加YCS(1.0 g/mg)組(YCS 1.0)。研究結果顯示,YCS具有保護大鼠對抗LPS誘導的敗血症狀,給予YCS(0.5g/kg,1.0g/kg)大鼠與LPS組大鼠比較,顯著降低血清中GOT及GPT活性,並降低血清中BUN濃度;給予YCS(0.1~1.0 g/kg)大鼠與LPS組大鼠比較,顯著降低血清中creatinine濃度。給予YCS(1.0 g/kg)大鼠與LPS組大鼠比較,顯著降低血清中ALKP活性。給予YCS(0.1~1.0 g/kg)大鼠與LPS組大鼠比較,顯著抑制血清中IL-1β產生。綜合研究結果顯示,YCS可預防LPS誘導產生的肝臟及腎臟損傷。


銀翹散 脂多醣(LPS) 敗血症 GOT GPT BUN creatinine ALKP IL-1β


Objective of the present study: To evaluate antiseptic effect of ethanolic extract of Yin-Chiao-san (abbrev. YCS) in experimentally induced septic rats.Methods: Septic rat was induced by lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Male Sprague-Dawley rats were divided to normal control (NC group), LPS group, LPS plus YCS(0.1 g/mg) (YCS0.1 group), LPS plus YCS(0.5 g/mg) (YCS0.5 group),and LPS plus YCS(1.0 g/mg) (YCS1.0 group).Results: YCS protected rat against lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced sepsis. In this model of sepsis, investigate the mechanism responsible for anti-septic effect of YCS. In our results, treated with YCS 0.5 g/kg and1.0 g/kg had significant decrease compared to LPS group in GOT, GPT, and BUN. Treated with YSC 0.1, 0.5 and 1.0 g/kg had significant decrease compared to LPS group in creatinine. Only the YCS 1.0 g/kg had significant decrease compared to LPS group in ALKP. YCS 0.1, 0.5and 1.0 g/kg have significant inhibitory effect on IL-1βproduction in serum compared to LPS group.Conclusion: YCS could prevent the injuries of liver and kidney from LPS.


Yin-Chiao-san Lipopolysaccharide(LPS) sepsis GOT GPT BUN Creatinine ALKP IL-1β
