  • 期刊


Shortening the Time of Setting up Mechanic Ventilator Circuit in Pediatric Intensive Care Unit



本活動主要是基於兒科加護病房病患病情改變須緊急裝置呼吸器時,呼吸器管路裝置作業複雜,護理人員在裝置管路上花費許多時間。因而在最經濟之人力及財力成本考量下,如何縮短呼吸器管路裝置時間,使病患迅速得到最佳醫療照顧以穩定病情,舒解護理人員急救時之壓力,而引發了改善動機,此活動期間為87年12月1日至88年5月4日。經測量人員每次裝置呼吸器管路時間耗時平均為7分53秒。分析其主要原因有:一、管路材質相同無法辨識 二、管路銜接未作標示 三、配件放置地點不集中。因此針對重要原因研擬改善對策有:一、進出口管路用不同顏色區分 二、進出口管路以圈圈數作標記。 三、同類配件集中放置。經不段持續改善後,其結果:一:呼吸器管路裝置時間平均為3分26秒/次,節省4分27秒/次。 二、裝置管路26次/28天,每月平均節省115分42秒,並節省護理人力成本375元。 三、護理人員滿意度由改善前50%提升至90%。由此次團結圈活動中,不但節省護理人員裝置呼吸器管路時間,進行團結圈過程中發揮團隊精神,提高護理同仁工作效率,進而提升護理人員急症照護品質。


The process of setting up mechanic ventilator circuit is sophisticated and takes a lot of time for nurses in pediatric intensive care unit. When patients require mechanic ventilator treatment, they cannot wait. How to shorten the time of setting up ventilator circuit and provide the best medical care to stabilize patients' condition induce this improvement activity. The improvement activity started from December 1998 to May 1999. Before implementing the improvement activity, the average time of setting up ventilator circuit took 7mins 53secs. Three reasons prolonged the time of setting up ventilator circuit:1. All tube materials are similar and hard to distinguish;2. Connectors are no marker;3. Medical devices do not place closely. According to those reasons, the three strategies were implemented which as following:1.Coloring tubes to identify the circuit. 2.Making different numbers of rings to identify the connectors. 3.Placing medical devices closely. After continuing hard working, the achievements show as following: 1.Saving 4mins 27secs in setting up ventilator circuit per each time. 2.Using manpower sparingly. 3.Improving working satisfaction of nurses from 50% to 90%. To evaluate the positive results of implementing improvement activity, nurses not only save the time of setting up ventilator circuit but also develop teamwork cooperation, increase care efficiency, and improve quality of acute nursing care.
