  • 期刊

Moraxella osloensis Infection Associated with Croup Syndrome: A Case Report

與哮吼症相關的Moraxella osloensis感染:一案例報告


Moraxella osloensis是一種嗜氧、會產生氧化酶的革蘭氏陰性球桿菌。相較於中耳炎、鼻竇炎和肺炎的重要病原菌Moraxella catarrhalis,M. osloensis很少感染人體。雖然罕見,M. osloensis的感染仍有可能導致嚴重的系統性疾病。在此我們報告一個五個月大的男嬰以哮吼症狀來表現的M. osloensis感染。就我們所知,在目前的Medline上並沒有其他類似的病例。由於類固醇已經被常規使用在嚴重哮吼症的病患身上,而類固醇會抑制免疫功能並增加嚴重感染的風險。因此我們提出這個特別的病例並建議使用類固醇治療的哮吼症病患都應該接受密切的追蹤。


Moraxella osloensis is an aerobic, oxidase-positive, gram-negative coccobacillus. Unlike Moraxella catarrhalis, which is one of the important pathogens of otitis media, sinusitis and pneumonia, M. osloensis is rarely pathogenic in humans. Although rare, M. osloensis infection has the potential to cause serious systemic disease. Here we report a 5-month-old baby boy with Moraxella osloensis infection associated with croup syndrome. M. osloensis was isolated from initial blood culture. To our limited knowledge, there is no similar case of M. osloensis infection associated with croup syndrome published on journals that can be found on medline. The use of corticosteroids has now become the standard therapy in moderate- to-severe croup. However, steroids will transiently suppress the immune function and increase the risk of severe infection. We present this unusual case and suggest the necessity of intensive follow-up in croup patients with steroid therapy.
