  • 期刊


Neglected Irreducible Dislocation of the Proximal Interphalangeal Joint


外傷造成手指近位指間關節脫臼是很常見的,一般都很容易徒手復位,但是如果無法完全復位則要考慮是否有軟組織卡在其中,最早由Johnson Green提出因lateral band卡在其中造成無法復位。本院最近也遇到一位類似病例,並且被忽略了五個星期,此種病例並不常見因此常會被忽略。原因是對病變處檢查不夠詳盡,及對X光的判圖不夠嚴謹。任何脫臼第一時間復位後關節的被動活動度應該是正常的,且X光應該可以回到正常,如有復位不全或活動功能受限就應該想到有無其它問題存在,進一步治療不致延誤到病情。


Traumatic dislocation of the proximal interphalangel joint is very common, and can easily be treated by closed reduetion. However, if the dislocation can not be reduced completely, soft tissue interposition should be considered. We encountered a case of traumatic dislocation of the PIP joint which had been neglected for 5 weeks. These cases are uncommon and they often go undiagnosed because of incomplete physical examination and inaccurate X-ray readings. In acute reduction cases, the passive range of motion after joint reduction, and X-ray readings should be normal If incomplete joint reduction is found, or motion function is limited, some existing lesion should be considered. Further treatment is necessary to prevent additional complications.
