  • 期刊


Study of the Mechanism of Degenerative Osteoarthritis Derived from Kidney Deficiency in Chinese Medicine


以《內經》為網整理中醫痺症理論,提出腎虛骨痺的理論,並結合現代醫學對退行性骨關節病(Degenerative Osteoarthritis DOA)和腎虛的研究,認為腎虛是從“虛”和“瘀”兩個方面影響DOA的發生發展。在動物實驗中,對大鼠以膝關節伸直位固定造成DOA的同時,用四種不同的方法造成腎虛,以建立四種不同的腎虛骨痺模型。通過血液流變學、自由基代謝以及病理學檢測,發現腎虛動物有血液流變學的改變和自由基代謝的紊亂,類似中醫血淤症的改變,腎虛骨痺組關節病理評分明顯高於單純DOA造模組,症明腎虛-血瘀-DOA之間確有相關性。


The theory of Kidney Deficiency Gubi was derived from systematizing the TCM theories on Bizheng in Chinese Medicine, which based on Canon of Medicine. Conbined with modem medical research on Degenerative Osteoarthritis (DOA) and Kidney Deficiency, here assume that DOA was affected and resulted from Kidney Deficiency through ”deficiency” and ”stasis”. During animal experiments, four different Kidney Deficiency Gubi models was established by using four various methods to result in Kidney Deficiency, while the DOA of rats by constant knee-straightening just happened. Judged by hemorrheology, free radical metabolism and pathology, here found that the animals with Kidney Deficiency have change of hemorrheology and disorder of free radical metabolism and is similar to those with Blood Stasis in Chinese Medicine. Besides, the grades of histopothologic evaluation of all Kidney Deficiency Gubi groups are obviously higher than those simple DOA ones seperately. This indicates that relevance exists among Kidney Deficiency, Blood Stasis and DOA.
