  • 期刊


Marxist's Theory of Moral Development






Marx adopted Hegel's notion as a way to explain the development of societies. He proposed that societies evolve through a process of resolving dialetic confrontation that are created by technological innovation in the production and distribution of material goods. This was a theory of dialectical materialism. Moral volue embedded in communist doctrine can be extracted from Maxxist writings in the form of rights, obligatins, and rejected policies.Marx and Engels were theorists who would analyze the structure of societies and identify the goals and general outlines of a just and egalitarian social order in which everyone has a voice and receives equal benefits. But neither of them was equipped to carry out the practical implementation of their vision. The task of implementation fell to such political leaders as Lenin and Stalin in the Soviet Union, Mao in China, and Tito in Yugoslavia.The principal architect of the Soviet version of human development was L.S. Vygotsky. He necessarily began with Marx's contention that the contents of people's minds and their moades of thinking are constructed from the activities in which they engage. Hence, if people's daily acts determine how they think, then the way to fasion their mentalities-including their moral convictions-is to engage them in desirable activities. Operating from this assumption, Vygotsky and D.B. Elkonin created a six-stage description of mental development extending over the first two decades of life.The best-known version of the stages contains the following six levels:1. the activity of intuitive and emotional contact between the child and adults (birth to age 1).2. Object-manipulation activity (early preschool years, ages 1 to 3).3. Game-playing activity (later preschool years, ages 3 to 7).4. Learning activity (elementary-school years, ages 7 to 11).5. Social-communication activity (early adolescence, ages 11 to 15).6. Vocational-learning activity (later adolescence, ages 15 to 17).The key to fostering proper moral development lies in providing suitable activities all each stage of child growth, activities that equip the young with the types of moral values required for the proper operation of a Marxist society.The theory has been rated high for how readily it can be understood. As a practical guide to moral development, Marxist theory deserves high marks. But in reflecting how well satisfied with Marx's view of moral development, the theory has been rated rather low.




