  • 期刊


Analysis of Aspirations toward Learning about Politics at Military Colleges-A Survey of Class Participation and Learning


本文係以叢集及隨機抽樣,抽訪軍事院校學生,計有效樣本781人。以往,由於軍隊傳統文化的沿習,不僅軍人專業未受尊重,軍隊被迫從事非戰鬥業務,甚且淪於政黨鬥爭工具,殊為可憾。而從本文的研究得知,在多元開放的台灣社會,軍人的政治態度取向,已非單純政治課程的講授,即可操控或誘導,其影響取決的更多因素,是媒介、同儕暴露及班級、議題參與等因素組合。總括本文的研究,在達到如下的結論: 1.受測者政治學習的統計分配。 2.形成政治學習的班級與課程參與因素。 3.個人背景在政治學習意願上的差異。 4.政治學習意願形成的迴歸模型。


The paper discusses the results of a survey in which a sample of 781 military officials in Taiwan revealed their ideas on learning about politics. For traditional reasons, Taiwan's military do not have a high social status; this situation obtains not only for those usually engaged in non-combat affairs but also even for those involved in party struggles. However, as Taiwan has developed into an open society, the political attitude of the military can no longer be controlled or even influenced just by military political teaching. Their decision processes depend upon a multiplicity of complex factors, including the media and peer pressure as well as school participation. In this paper we look at 1.The statistical distribution of political education 2.The school context in which political learning takes place 3. Deviation in political education caused by personal background 4.the multinomial regression that shapes political education


