  • 期刊


The Impact of Industrial Structural Changes on Demand for Skills: The Evidence from Taiwan


本文主要研究近二十年來,台灣產業結構的變遷對勞動力需求變化的影響。依據本文所利用之資料顯示,台灣產業的結構朝技術密集、商業及服務業發展,而勞動市場中不同教育程度之勞工的經濟地位,亦隨著產業結構的改變而改變。勞動市場中勞工就業量的改變可分解成「產業內」的變動與「產業間」的變動。其中產業內的變動主要發生原因即來自於技術的進步; 而產業間的變動可來自於貿易結構的改變、外勞的引進與傳統產業的外移。由本文的資料分析結果,我們發現大部分台灣整體勞動市場的變遷是由產業內的變動所驅使,由非技術性勞工移轉至技術性勞工,且其發生移轉的速度隨著時間而加快。而技術性勞工的相對薪資並不因高等教育政策的鬆綁所造成的供給急遽增加而減少,明確的顯示在這段時間內對技術性勞工的需求相較於供給增加的幅度更大。本文同時也探討術的進步和資本累積之間的關係。分析結果顯示,當位勞工的平均資本增加時,技術性勞工與非技術性勞工平均薪資的差異將擴大。這驗證了資本的累積會促進技術的進步,進而增加對技術性勞工的需求,也就是資本與技術之間存在互補的關係。


This paper studies the impact of Taiwan’s industrial structural changes on demand for skills for the past twenty years. The results show Taiwan’s economy has been more skill-oriented and focusing on commercial and services sectors. Meanwhile, the economic position of various demographic groups has been changed as “within industry” and “between industry”. We found the mail part of the changes comes from within industry changes, which is mainly due to the skill-biased technological changes. The labor demand shifts from less-skill labor to high-skill labor and the speed of the shift is getting faster. The relative wages of high-skill labor does not decrease, although their relative supply actually increases due to expansion of higher education. It indicates the relative demand for high-skill labor does increase in order to overcome the increasing relative supply. We also show the capital-skill complementarity. That is, the accumulation of capital can facilitate the technological progress, which increases the demand for high-skill labor.


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