  • 期刊


Investigating the Correlation between Teaching Particles (de, ni, wo, e) Using Verbs And It's Outcome


本研究以三十八名就讀中國技術學院國貿系四年級,選修日文(三)的學生爲研究對象,針對二個主題進探討。其一是探討學生學習場所格助詞「で」「に」「を」「ヘ」(以下簡稱「場所格助詞」)的學習相關因子與學習成效之間的相關性;其二是探討以動詞爲核心的教學法是否能有效提昇學生場所格助詞的學習成效。 本研究首先以描述統計的方法對「場所格助詞學習狀況自我評估問卷調查表」中四個學習相關因子(學習知覺、學習認知困難、學習行爲、教師教學)的得分與「場所格助詞學習成效測驗」(前測)的成績進行相關性分析,結果顯示四個因子和學習成效測驗中六個場所格助詞的用法其相關係數都達到極顯著的水準。 其次,爲探討以動詞爲核心的教學法是否能有效提昇學生場所格助詞「で」「に」「を」「ヘ」的學習成效,本研究針對「場所格助詞學習成效測驗」前測與後測的成績進行相依樣本t檢定,結果顯示場所格助詞「で」「に」「を」「ヘ」的六個用法前測成績和後測成績的差異性都達到極顯著的水準,顯示以動詞爲核心的教學法確實能有效提昇學生場所格助詞的學習成效。


The purpose of this study is to investigate the correlation between teaching particles (de, ni, wo, e) using verbs and it's outcome. This study used reviewing literature and survey questionnaires as well as pre- and pro-test to investigate various particles' learning factors of students who take the Japanese-language classes at an institution of technology (about 38 college students) during the fall semester of 2004. All statistical analyses in this study were performed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 10.0. The data obtained from the sample were analyzed and reported using descriptive statistics. Means and standard deviations were computed to determine characteristics of learning Japanese particles (de, ni, wo, e). A series of t tests and ANOVAS were used to identify if there was a difference between students' demographic characteristics. For the relationships among factors and learning outcomes, product-moment correlation coefficients (Pearson r coefficients) were computed for all variables.


Verb Particle Pearson r coefficients t tests
