  • 期刊


The Design and Application of a Simulator for Distribution Management


由於企業國際化與網際網路的快速發展,產業之間的競爭已由企業對企業的競爭提升至供應鏈對供應鏈之間的競爭,因而,供應鏈管理(SCM)近年來已成爲熱門的研究主題〔11、12〕。在產銷系統日趨複雜的今天,系統模擬(System Simulation)的使用也日漸受到重視,然而,現有的系統模擬軟體大多爲通用型的系統,必須使用模擬語言設計程式,才能建構出較爲複雜的系統模擬模式,對於一般研究者而言,往往形成使用時的一大困擾〔l、16〕。 因此,本文針對傳統模擬器不易使用的缺點,提出了供應鏈配銷管理模擬器之建構模式,透過友善的圖形化人機介面(GUI),即可架構出供應鏈配銷管理情境的系統模式,大量減輕研究者建構配銷系統模式的負擔,讓研究者可以更專注於研究題目本身的實驗設計,因此,對於供應鏈配銷管理系統模擬績效的提升有莫大的幫助。最後本研究依此建構模式以Visual Basic電腦語言實作一雛型軟體,並用實例加以測試以證明本文所提模式之可行性與有效性。


Due to the swift process of business internationalization and the growing popularity of Internet, the level of industrial competition has been upgraded already-from business-to-business competition to supply chain-to-supply chain competition. As such, the Supply Chain Management (SCM) has become a popular topic in recent years. At the time that the distribution system has become more complicated than ever, the use of System Simulation is becoming more and more important. Nevertheless, the majority of the existing system simulation software is the so-called universal model. Programmers have to use the simulation languages to design the programs so as to implement a complicated simulation environment, which is a big problem for the average users. In an effort to solve the uneasy-to-use problem of the conventional simulators, the researcher presents an implementation model for the simulator designed for the administration of distribution via supply chain. With the user-friendly Graphic User Interface (GUI), researcher can implement a system model for the administration of distribution via supply chain, thereby minimizes the workload for implementation of simulation model and allows researchers to concentrate on their experimental designs. Therefore, this implementation model upgrades the efficiency of the simulator designed for the administration of distribution via supply chain significantly. In the final stage, the author produced a prototype by Visual Basic language and justified the feasibility with field applications.


