  • 期刊


Knowledge of Involuntary Admission in the Mental Health Act: Comparison between Medical and Nonmedical Personnel


本研究希望瞭解社區中精神病患家屬與相關人員(包括衛生所護士、警察以及村里幹事)對於精神衛生法中強制護送鑑定與住院治療相關規定的知識,藉此提供評估宣導的依據。研究對象包括:175位社區嚴重病患家屬,以及475位相關工作人員(包括:194位公共衛生護士、104位警察、180位村里幹事),進行問卷調查。 四類研究對象對強制護送鑑定與住院治療相關規定的知識,皆相對地不高,各題答對比率由26%-78%。研究對象間的比較,以衛生所護士最佳,病患家屬較不理想。 本研究結果,反應出精神衛生法自介佈至今宣導上不足,民眾有關知識不足,尤其對保護人的權責,由誰擔任,強制護送鑑定過程的困擾與強制住院條件等,皆有待釐清。因此,建請有關單位加強宣導精神衛生法、提供適切的醫療知識,此外,並宜做各項相關法令的評估研究,以為宣導教育的依據。


By using a structured questionnaire, 175 families and 478 psychiatric-mental health related personnels i.e. 194 public nurses, 104 local policemen, and 180 neighborhood workers are surveyed for knowledge of the Mental Health Act especially in involuntary evaluation and compulsory admission to the hospital. The subjects knowledge level of Mental Health Act is relatively low. The percentage of correct answer from different groups of the subject are ranged from 26% to 78%. However, the public nurse group has the highest percentage. The result shows that propaganda for Mental Health Act is inadequate since the law has been enacted. Both mental health worker and lay people are not clear about the obligation and right of the caretakers (gardians). This study further implies that the knowledge of social resources and process of helping the mentally disturbed hospitalized should be strengthened.


