  • 期刊


Venomous Snake Bites in Taiwan (1988-1991)




毒蛇咬傷 台灣


There are six well-known venomous snakes in Taiwan, Three species induce hemorrhagic symptoms (Trimeresurus mucrosquamatus, TM; Trimeresurus stejnegeri, TS; and Deinagkistrodon acutus, DA); two species induce neurotoxic symptoms (Naja naja atra, NA; and Bungarus multicinctus, BM); the other species induces hemorrhagic and neurotoxic symptoms (Vipera russelli formosensis. VR). In this investigation, we report 189 snake bite cases in which 45% were from TM, 37% were from TS, 12% were from NA, and others were from BM, DA or VR. Most of the snake bites occurred during summer and autumn Males were bitten three times more frequently than females, Thirty-eight percent of the total bites occurred around residences. Of the total bites, 52% occurred on upper extremities and 44% on lower ones, Most of the TM bites occurred on lower extremities, at night and around residences. TS bites occurred on upper extremities, during the day-time and outdoors. Eighty-eight percent of the patients with snake bite envenomation in Taiwan reached the hospital for treatment within four hours. Antivenom produced by National Institute of Preventive Medicine (NTPM) was available for all the victims who were bitten.


Snake Bite Taiwan
