  • 期刊


Tue Awareness, Treatment and Control of Hypertension in 23 Towns, Taiwan-Community-Based Preventive Medicine by Yang-Ming Crusade in 1988-1993


本研究由國立陽明大學學生組成的陽明十字軍,於1988年至1993年暑假期間,經過訓練和檢定後,在全省23個鄉鎮推廣社區預防醫學工作,並從事高血壓流行病學研究。陽明十字軍隊員根據戶籍資料為40歲以上民眾,以挨戶家訪方式,從事衛教並作身高、體重、血壓、尿糖等基本檢查。凡疑似陽性個案,則轉介到當地的群體醫療執業中心,進行確認診斷與治療。高血壓定義採世界衛生組織定義為標準,凡血壓三次測量平均值,收縮壓超過160 mmHg以上或舒張壓超過95mmHg以上者,以及曾經被診斷為高血壓且正服用抗高血壓藥物者,皆定義為高血壓。累計共完成31432份問卷,在測量當時為高血壓的患者有5274位,當中有2288位(43.4%)已自知有高血壓,有1829位(34.7%)接受治療,而在自知有高血壓的患者中,有79.9%接受治療。在所有接受治療的病患,只有21.7%能有效地控制血壓在正常範圍(≤140/90mmHg)。分析其治療方法,以西醫為主佔83.7%,有4.6%接受中醫治療,有48%自行買西藥治療,有2.5%則服中藥。各種治療方法對血壓的控制未具統計上的顯著差異。


A community-based preventive medicine project was carried out by the Yang-Ming Crusade in 1988-1993 in 23 towns, Taiwan. We interviewed 31432 registered residents over 40 years old. Their blood pressure, the status of awareness, and treatment were taken by the crusaders through door by door interviews. The screening postive cases were referred to the local Group Practice Center for confirmatory diagnosis and follow-up treatment. Subjects who had systolic blood pressure >=160 mmHg and/or diastolic pressure >=95 mmHg or received treatment with antihypertensive agents were considered hypertensives. Among 5274 current hypertensive cases, 2288(43.4%) were self- recognized and 1829 (34.7%) had received medication. In all hypertensive cases receiving treatment, only 21.7% had effectively controlled their blood pressure (≤140/90 mmHg). Their treatments included modern medicine 83.7%, traditional medicine 4.6%, drug store 4.8%, and herbs 2.5%. No significant difference existed among different kinds of regimen to control blood pressure.


