



This study makes a comparison of women's proficiency in breast self examination and ability to sense breast mass before and after the health education of breast self examination. The objects of this study are 302 females who participated in the breast self examination class provided by the Department of Family Medicine, National Cheng Kung University Hospital from April 3, 1993 to July 15, 1993. The teaching methods adopted in the health education are poster lectures, model demonstration and touching model breast to sense breast mass. Questionnaire and shoulder hanging breast model for testing the correctness of self examination steps are used to evaluate the students' proficiency in breast self examination and ability to sense breast mass before and six months after the class. It is found that before the class, only 7.7% of the students performed monthly breast self examination regularly, of which less than 30% did the self examination in correct steps. Six month after the class, the proporsion of students who performed the examination regularly increased to 35.7% and the proporsion of those who did the examination in correct steps also increased to 60%. However, the steps of squeezing the nipple (30.6%), superficial pressure of fingers and deep pressure of fingers (45%), examining axillary nodes (52.2%) and examining by lifting arms over head in front of mirror (54.8%) are more easily ommitted. Besides, the higher self examination proficiency the students have, the more breast model mass can be sensed notwithstanding before or six months after the class. In conclusion, this study shows that this health education enhances women proficiency in breast self examination and further promotes their ability to sense breast mass. It is helpful to the discovery of early stage breast cancer which appears in the form of painless mass. The results of this study can serve as a reference for the promotion of breast self examination health education.


