  • 期刊


The Study of Students' Satisfactory Level for Class-Division Teaching in Elective Physical Education Courses in Yu-Da University



育達技術學院在學生1,068名(男生227人,女生841人)為對象,以自行編製之問卷,就基本資料(含性別、出身學校、就讀年級)及對於體育正課興趣選項分組教學之滿意度,設35題。包括休閒運動生涯發展、場地器材與設施、學習效果、教師教學、行政支援等五個因素。問卷經兩次預試考驗效度、信度修正後予以正式施測。研究目的(一)探討育達商業技術學院(以下簡稱本校)學生興趣選項體育教學實施現況。(二)提供相關建議給予校方及本校體育室,做為日後改進體育課程內容的參考依據。利用描述統計分析不同背景出身學生,對於體育正課興趣選項分組教學之差異,以了解不同出身背景對大學體育教學之影響。比較分析各年級學生滿意度之差異,以探討大學體育之效果及改善之道。結果發現學生不因年級的高低、也不因教育背景的不同而對興趣選項分組教學滿意度有所差異。 研究中發現在不同性別對於體育課興趣選項分組教學滿意度上有顯著差異,尤其在休閒、運動生涯發展、學習效果、行政支援上的分配情形達顯著差異,並發現,除了對教師教學因素外,其他四個因素男性學生在「滿意度」均顯著高於女性學生。


The study was set up samples for one thousand sixty-eight students (male: two hundred and twenty-seven, female: eight hundred and forty-one) in Yu-Da University, to investigate the students' satisfactory level for elective interested grouping for physical education. According to students' genders, previous school graduated, study grade, the thirty-five questionnaires was made and pre-test twice to adjust and modify for reliability before including Career Development of Leisure and Sport, Environment and Facilities, Learning Effect, Teaching, and Administration Support. The purpose were (一)Investigate the situation of students' elective interested grouping for physical education in Yu-Da University. (hereafter it calls“The school”) (二)Comments offering to the school and physical education team for further courses improving. Base on descriptive statistics, the conclusions indicated: The satisfactory of elective interested grouping for physical education, there are no any difference from different grade and educated back ground. But the significant difference existed with different genders, especially on the factors of Career Development of Leisure and Sports, Learning Effect and Administration Support. Except Teacher's teaching, the satisfactory of the male is more higher then the Female's on the other four factors.
