  • 期刊


Contemplating Folklore Rituals as the Representation of Family Society in Time and Space


本文從年節祭儀作為大厝宅家族社會生活方式的實際研究中,試圖回答下列問題:個體或主體在社會的空間實踐,以克服生態及結構決定論問題。年節祭儀行動的性質及在其脈絡中個體存在的再現、主觀論與客觀論的綜合等本體論問題,及時、空間作為文化的形構及中介間題。 討論的核心,是年節祭儀的時間性、空間性與社會生活的「三位辯證」關係,家族社會生活的時、空間形構。從空間生產的三重性,發展為預先形構,具體形構和重新形構等三階段的模仿形構循環模型。


The present study considers the practice of folklore rituals as a temporal and spatial representation of traditional Taiwanese Tua-tze-te and its family societal formation. An individual or subject's practice of folklore rituals is a way of negating ecological as well as structural determinism of interpreting family societal environment. Because, in contemplating folklore rituals, a subject (individual) is practicing a folklore ceremony that is not only temporally and spatially, but also culturally and socially embedded in the ontological entity of a family society. That is to sap, time and space are but media for cultural construction of societal rituals of traditional Taiwanese family. The trialectics of temporality, spatiality and sociality are of significance to the discussion of contemplating folklore rituals. Contemplating folklore rituals does not represent certain ceremonies at certain space in a given time. It is an abstract representation of temporality, spatiality and power structure of family society. It is also a manifestation of the relation between an individual and a family society in traditional Taiwanese terms. As to the temporal-spatial configuration of traditional Taiwanese family society in ritual ceremonies, the study suggests a mode of mimicking configuration of circulation. In the mimicking configuration of circulation, three elements are considered prototypes of the trialectics of cultural space formation: pre-figuration, configuration and re-figuration.
