  • 期刊


Study on Comfortability of Working Fabrics for Female Farmers



本研究旨在探討農家婦女於戶外工作時為了遮陽防蟲,全身包裹著密閉式工作服,對人體皮膚溫分佈狀況及人體生理、心理反應的影響,並實際製作改良式服飾,了解分析對人體舒適性的影響。本研究採Hardy/Dubois 10點法,對大學女學生6名受測者,於不同環境設定溫定下依各環境溫之著衣條件,於人體左側部位貼付Thermistor Thermometer 皮膚溫人體計測器量測,並量測耳膜溫及對受測者進行官能檢查。結果發現皮膚溫之分佈趨勢,受環境溫度的影響而有部位不同之現象,另受測者於運動負荷時因運動量而產生熱氣,對於穿著密閉式服飾易造成人體不舒適,故對於衣服的改善方面需增加具透氣性、吸濕吸水性、吸濕排汗性、防紫外線之機能性素材,且經本研究設計製作改良後之服飾款式較改良前之衣服內溫溼度趨於平穩。


The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship of the designing of working fabrics for female farmers with the comfortability. The comfortability were measured by skin temperature and wetness inside the clothes. The working fabrics are used for working outside, avoiding bugs and sunshine, and they also affect the sensory response. An improvement was made to the clothes aimed to make them more comfortable, and we compared the microclimates inside the both clothes during tried on. Six college girls volunteered to try on these clothes, and thermistor thermometers were attached to their bodies for monitoring the changes of skin temperatures. The Hardy/Dubois method were followed that means the skin temperatures of 10 points on each body were continuously recorded, and were compared with the physical and sensory responses. The results showed that the skin temperatures were influenced by ambient temperature. The testers exercised with traditional working fabrics on will make them feel hot, wet and uncomfortable; while with improved working fabrics they feel more comfortable. The point of improving permeability, porosity, sweats exclusion and anti-U V lights becomes more important and remained further studies.
