  • 期刊


The Comparative Study of Different Vacation Preferences between First-time and Revisit Tourists on Resort Leisure Farms


本研究目的主要探討農場屬性吸引初遊及重遊遊客之相對重要性,屬性間的相關程度,以及初遊與重遊者之熟悉程度對於休閒農場各屬性評價。選定七家渡假農莊型休閒農場之遊客為主要研究對象,針對每家農場各抽取80份樣本,總樣本數為560份。研究結果發現初遊前往之遊客認為,相對而言,較為重要的農場屬性依序為「遠離塵囂」、「大自然親近」、「自然景色」和「渡假休閒享受」。對於重遊者相對較為重要的屬性依序為「遠離塵囂」、「自然景色」、「大自然親近」和「戶外活動空間」。在農場各屬性的偏好差異性比較,除東河農場的服務態度屬性外,重遊的遊客對大多數屬性的滿意評價比初遊者的確有明顯較高偏好。 在個別農場滿意評價方面,香格里拉農場的「服務態度」及走馬瀨農場的「農特產品展售」項目,是重遊遊客比初遊者的滿意評價有明顯偏好,其它屬性則無明顯差異,原因為遊客對此兩農場評價皆偏向滿意以上的看法,顯示該兩農場提供之多數屬性均受遊客一致的肯定;而頭城農場有「遠離塵囂」、「住宿設備舒適」、「農場規模大小」、「地理位置」、「路線指引」、「餐飲美食」和「戶外活動空間」等7項對重遊的遊客之滿意評價較高於初遊者。


The purposes of this study were to investigate the differences in the relative importance of the various farm attributes for attracting the first-time and the revisit tourists, the correlations among the farm attributes, and whether the visits’ familiarity with the farms would affect their evaluations of the farm attributes. Seven resort leisure farms were selected as the study sites and 80 visitors each were selected and interviewed, which generated a sample size of 560. The findings in this study indicated that the first-time visitors ranked that the relatively important farm attributes as following: “away from the noises and crowdedness of the city lives,” “approximate to the nature environment,” “natural amenity,” and “enjoyment of the leisure atmosphere.” The ranking for the farm attributes for the revisit tourists differs slightly. The ranking of the relatively importance of farm attributes was as follows: “away from the noises and crowdedness of the city lives,” “natural amenity,” “approximate to the nature environment,” and “ample space for outdoor activities.” The revisit tourists also gave significantly higher valuations on most of the farm attributes than the first-time tourists, except for the service attitude attributes of the Dunghe Leisure Farm. For the valuation of the satisfaction on the individual farms showed the following results. The level of satisfaction for tourists in the Shangri-La Farm and the Tsomalai Farm were very high for both the first-time and the revisit tourists that there were no significant differences in the level of satisfactions between those two groups of visitors except that the revisit tourists had higher satisfaction on the “service attitude” of the Shangri-La Farm and the “Display and Sale of Agricultural Products” of the Tsomalai Farm. On the other hand, the revisit tourists had given higher valuations on seven of the attributes than the first-time visitors on the Toucheng Farm. They included “away from the noises and crowdedness of the city lives,” “comfortable accommodations,” “the size of the farm,” “geographical location,” “transportation instruction,” “delicious food,” and “ample space for outdoor activities.”


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