  • 期刊


An Investigation of Selective Criteria of Choosing a Proper Allied Type of Agricultural Strategic Alliance


自從民國89年農委會推動農業策略聯盟政策以來,臺灣的農業策略聯盟如雨後春筍,紛紛成立。但目前多數農業策略聯盟頗有為聯盟而聯盟之現象,實失去策略聯盟之意義,自然影響其績效。本文之目的在於透過策略聯盟之理論基礎各種可能型態策略聯盟內涵及策略聯盟結盟程序等之探討,以導出策略聯盟型態選擇之準則,並據以檢視國內農業策略聯盟發展狀況,提出農業策略聯盟型態之選擇建議。 廣義「策略聯盟」指:「以個體本身資源去換取對本個體有利的互補性資源,且資源取得總成本為最小的合作方式。」互補性資源包括土地、勞力、資金、生產資材、生產設施、產能、通路、技術、專利、品牌、企業形象、資訊,或是自然景觀等等。資源取得總成本包括交易成本及監管成本,而可能聯盟型式則包括介於市場交易至內部化組織之間的各種型態或交易關係連續帶,不一而足,且各種聯盟型態內鑲著結盟者不同之權利義務關係及成本效益,有其不同之適用情況,有評選之必要。 本文對聯盟型態選擇準則之主要結論為,結盟者首先需設定本身目標,由目標認定所需求之資源標的,再評估適用此資源標的各種可用聯盟型態之交易成本、監管成本及可行性等,以決定適當之聯盟型態,然後才進行結盟,並經營管理之;而對於農業策略聯盟之主要建議在於結盟者應依實際需求自主發展,政府則避免直接介入其聯盟型態之選擇。


Agricultural strategic alliances are prevailing in Taiwan in recent year. But the benefit of alliance seems few since the aligners didn’t choose a proper allied type. This paper intends to give suggestions of choosing a proper allied type by inducing some principles from the theoretical foundations, content of various allied types, and procedures of strategic alliance. The definition of strategic alliance was defined as: “Agents allied with each other or one another in order to get complement resource by minimizing the total acquisition cost of the resource.” The complement resource may be land, labor, capital, inputs, production, facilities, capacity, marketing channel, technology, intellectual property right, brand, entrepreneurial image, information, and so on. The total acquisition cost of the resource includes transaction costs and governance costs. The possible allied types vary from trading at market to hierarchy. The spectrum or continuum of allied type is much diverse. Each allied type embeds its benefit and cost. So, it is necessary to find ways to evaluate and choose from these types. This paper, thus, suggests that the aligner should set his/her goal first, then figures out what kind of complement resource he/she need and list possible allied types that are adequate for getting this kind of resource. Finally, his/her can choose the most proper allied type by minimizing the total acquisition cost of the resource. In the procedure of ally, the participants should consider their real need, while the government had better not intervene in the choice of allied type.


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