  • 期刊


The Study of Selling Agricultural Products near High-Speed Rail Stations


本研究將高鐵的12個車站視為12個商圈,先確定在高鐵各站周邊設立農產品銷售點之優先順序後,再針對銷售點區位選擇因素之優先考慮順序以及銷售點行銷組合因素之重要順序等方面進行評估,並進一步提出區位選擇及行銷組合策略建議。本研究採問卷調查方式,針對農業及高鐵專業人士進行意見及經驗上的調查,然後將問卷所得結果以灰關聯分析法(grey relational analysis)進行分析,根據灰關聯度之排序結果得到,在高鐵各站周邊設立農產品銷售點之優先順序,依序為:台北站、高雄(左營)站、台中(烏日)站、新竹(六家)站、板橋站、桃園(青埔)站、南港站、嘉義(太保)站、台南(沙崙)站、彰化(田中)站、苗朵(豐富)站,最後則是雲林(虎尾)站;在高鐵某車站進行銷售點之區位選擇時,必須考慮的區位選擇因素之優先順序,依序為:人潮量多寡、附近停車的方便性、顧客出入是否容易、附近是否有吸引人潮的機構或景點、店面可見度、是否位於車站主體到轉乘設施問的主要動線上、可營業時間、店面月租金高低、車流量多寡、可營業面積大小、店面寬度,最後則是商店有無店址;在銷售點之行銷組合因素方面,該6P的重要順序由先至復依序為:產品、促銷、參與者、程序、實體證據,最後則是價格。


高鐵 農產品 灰關聯分析 商圈 區位


There are 12 stations in high-speed rail. Each train station can be treated as a business area. This study uses questionnaires to collect the opinions of the high-speed rail experts and agricultural experts about how to sell agricultural products near high-speed rail stations. Grey relational analysis is used to analyze the priority sequences among 12 stations. Key success factors (KFS) are determined to solve the selling location problems. Marketing mix is also discussed in this paper. After our study, we find that Taipei station, Kaohasiung (Tsoying) Station, Taichung (Wujih) Station, Hsinchu (Liuchia) Station, Panchiao Station, Taoyuan (Chingpu) Station, Nankang Station, Chiayi (Taipao) Station, Tainan (Shalun) Station, Changhua (Tienchung) Station, Miaoli (Fengfu) Station, Yunglin (Huwei) Station are the priority sequences among these12 stations. The KSF for determing the selling locations are number of visitors, easy to find parking space or not, easy to entry/exit or not, etc. Finally, products, promotion, participator, procedure, physical evidence, and price are the priority sequence of marketing mix.


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