  • 期刊


An Analysis of Software Development Skills Needed by Current Enterprises



本研究蒐集了人力資源網站上有關軟體開發的求才廣告,選擇的職務名稱包括應用軟體開發工程師、MIS程式設計師、各種電腦語言的程式設計師、網頁程式設計師等,並發展了一個程式,透過研究者先前所建立的資訊能力本體,以半監督方式取出求才廣告所需要的技能。該資訊能力本體將所需要的技能劃分成六個技能領域,分別是作業系統技能、程式語言技能、標記語言技能、資料庫技能、分散式技能、與其他技能等,再以程式運用該資訊能力本體作歸納,統計平均技能需求數、每一個領域中不同技能需求的百分比、與技能配對需求的百分比等。研究結果顯示,每一則求才廣告的平均技能需求數目為7.69;作業系統技能需求的前二項為Windows 88%、與Unix/Linux 37%;程式語言技能需求的前三項為Java 35%、C 31%、與VB 30%;程式語言技能的配對最高者為C++與C的14%;標記語言技能需求前二項為HTML 16%、XML 12%;資料庫技能需求的前三項為SQL Server 53%、MySQL 26%、與Oracle 22%;資料庫技能的配對最高者為SQL Server與MySQL的20%;分散式技能需求的前三項為.NET 41%、ASP 31%、與JSP 21%;其他技能需求則以Office最高達100%。


This study collects the job advertisements posted on the human resource web pages. The selected job titles include software developers and all types of programmers. We then write an information gathering program, using a semi-supervised method, to extract the needed skills with the help of the information competency ontology created by the authors previously. The ontology classifies all needed skills into six categories: operating system skills, programming language skills, markup language skills, database skills, distributed skills, and other skills. We then write another program to calculate, also with the help of the information competency ontology, the proportions for each individual skill and matched pairs in each category. The result shows that the average number of the required skills is 7.69. The two most common operating system skills are Windows 88% and Unix/Linux 37%. The three most common programming skills are Java 35%, C 31%, and VB 30%. The highest matched pairs for programming languages are C++ and C with 14%. The two most common markup languages are HTML 16% and XML 12%. The three most common database skills are SQL Server 53%, MySQL 26%, and Oracle 22%. The highest matched pairs for databases are SQL Server and MySQL with 20%. The three most common distributed skills are .NET 41%, ASP 31%, and JSP 21%. In the other category, the most needed skill is Microsoft Office skill.


