  • 期刊


Progression of the Three Components of Spontaneous Nystagmus in a Patient Vestibular Neuritis - Case Report




Histopathological investigations have shown that the main lesion in vestion vestibular neuritis lies in the superior vestibular nerve and its neuroelium. Byway of vestibular evked myogenic potentials (VEMP) and three-dimensional videonystagmographs (3-D VNG), one can differentiate between superior and inferior vestibular nerve lesions, and evaluate the progression of spontaneous nystagmus during convalescenec. In this 26-year-old female patient with right vestibular neuritis, VEMPs were positi bilaterally, whereas thedirections of spontaneous of spontaneous nystagmus were leftward, upward, and clockwise beating. This meant that the function of the right superior vestibular nerve was suppressed. Both vertical and torsional components of the spontaneous nystagmus resolved earilier than the horizontal component during convalescence. This tends to suggest that compensation of vestibular function deriving from deriving from individual semicircular canal palsy not simultaneous.
