This author tries to explicate the world of Jiang Kui (姜夔1155-1221) as a ci 詞 writer on the basis of his life experiences, his literary works, and the discourse of ci at his time. The focus of this study is to explore in depth Jiang Kui's particular features of his ci poetry writings, especially the essence of sentiment and its form. The study, in short, does help illuminate both the internal sensible and sentimental world of Jiang Kui and the aesthetics embodied in ci. It examines in detail the characteristics of qing-kong (清空) by investigating the inclination epitomized in the works of Jiang Kui respectively. Then, it also takes up the debate between Zhou Ji (周濟), Wang Guo-wei (王國維) and Xia Cheng-tao (夏承燾) on the ci-qing (詞情) of Jiang Kui's ci poetry. A comparative inquiry shows that the debate between ci-qing was in fact a dialogue engaged at difference levels. For those in favor of ci as allegory, the meaning of qing 4 is implicated in the contents of works; whereas for those in favor of ci as world (jing-jie境界) qing refers to the essence of sentiment that arises from the author's inner self.