  • 期刊


Exploring the Relationships among Peer conflict, Coping Strategies, and Related Factors


本研究主要目的在探討當前青少年與同儕之間的衝突事件為何,青少年北景變項在同儕衝突各議題上之差異,以及探討影響青少年對於衝突因應選擇之主要因素為何。 本研究隨機抽取中部地區六所國中共386名受試者,以自編「青少年背景調查表」、「同儕衝突檢核表」、「衝突因應量表」、「青少年自我中心量表」為研究工具,經由次數分配、單因子變異分析與逐步多元迴歸等統計分析,本研究主要發現如下: 一、青少年之間主要因意見不合、亂罵人、惡作劇、有點笨、功課不好、自私、侮辱人、不負責、打小報告、沒公德心等而產生衝突。 二、不同性別在「偏差行為」、「虛榮」等衝突議題上有顯著差異;不同學業成就組別在「偏差行為」、「課業與家境」等衝突議題上有顯著差異;不同自我中心組別在「勢利」、「不適當行為」、「虛榮」等議題上造成差異。至於年級、社會吸引與人際關係等變項在衝突各議題並無顯著不同。 三、性別、學業成就、不適當行為議題等變項對於合作型策略最具有預測力;不適當行為議題、自我中心、性別、學業成就等變項對於競爭型策略最具有預測力;自我中心、課業與家境議題對於逃避策略較具有預測力。本研究並根據研究結果,對教育與輔導相關人員提出建議。


The present purpose of the research is exploring the main issues and related problems of peer conflict and trying to understand what factors are the statistical predictors of the choice of conflict coping strategies. The study sample consists of 386 junior high school students in middle Taiwan. And the date is analyzed by using descriptive statistics method, One-way ANOVA and step-wise regression. The major findings are as follows: 1. The criticism, devilment, stupid, low academic achievement, selfish, insult, irresponsibility, snitch information, and immorality are the main issues of peer conflict. 2. The variable of adolescent gender has statistically significant significant differences on the factors of vanity and deviant behavior. The variable of different academic achievement groups has statistically significant differences on the conflict issues of personal deviant behavior, grade and family financial situation. The variable of different egocentric groups has statistically significant differences on the conflict issues of personal vanity, snobbish and inappropriate behavior. There were no significant differences existed among the variables of academic achievement, social attraction and interpersonal relation on any conflict factors. 3. Third, the variables of sex, academic achievement and disorder can predict the cooperative strategy statistically. The variables of disorder, egocentricity, sex, and academic achievement can predict the competitive strategy statistically. The variables of egocentricity, grade and family financial situation can predict the avoid strategy. According to research conclusions, this study provides some suggestions for related educators and counselors.


Peer conflict Coping strategies Egocentrism


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謝佳豫(2014)。高中生生活壓力的因應策略、生氣表達 與憂鬱程度之關係研究- 以桃園縣私立高中為例〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201400510
