

此篇論述的動機主要是為了探討現代化的球隊領導該如何進行。球隊領導包含的面向不只在於教練對球員在技術上的傳授。現今,更有許多管理的成分。如何成功的管理一個團體,有效的領導一個組織。除了明確的大方向之外,執行的細節,制度的建立,上對下的信任與充分授權與下對上的服從與信賴。除了方法之外,影響更大的,是人,是管理的人,在球隊領導上就是教練。現今的帶隊方式,要是再一成不變的依循傳統,不僅球員與球員之間,或是球員與教練之間的互動會出問題,引申出來的管理問題會一連串的發生,造成制度運行上面的困難,而導致球隊訓練之成效不彰。 本篇論述引用了權變理論來說明,如何做一個稱職的教練,而不是做一個威權或是完全強硬作風的傳統教練。並實際提出作法,提出數項明確的目標可以參考,最後加入紐約前市長的看法來作最後的結論。


權變理論 球隊領導


The motivation of writing this thesis is mainly to discuss how to modernize the way to lead a team. Team leading concludes more than just passing on techniques and ideas between coaches and players. Now days, it also includes management, how to manage a team successfully and lead an organization effectively. Besides, with clear and general direction, the details of execution, system establishment, adequately authorization and deference of the players depend on the coaches. Among the methods, human being has more influence. That is, the person who is in manages and in a team is the coach. The ways that lead the team today will cause not merely the divisively between players and players or players and coaches, but also extend a chain reaction of managing problem, which effects the difficulty on the system and finally induces the result of the training unproductively if one keeps the old fashion ways of management. The discussion of this article has adduced with adaptability theory about not only how to be a professional coach instead of being an arrogant office, but also advice with actual feasible methods and specific targets. At last, the thesis concludes with the perspective of the former mayor of New York City.

