  • 期刊


The Native Education Framework for Primary School Involve in 1 - 9Years Coherent Curriculum Outline in Taiwan



基於民國八十三年頒布的「國民小學鄉土教學活動課程標準」是「獨立設科的課程標準」(獨立的標準),而國民中小學九年一貫課程綱要中不再有「獨立的標準或綱要」,而將「獨立的標準」融入到「各學習領域課程綱要」中,成為「內含的鄉土教學綱要」。本研究之目的為:分析國民中小學九年一貫課程各學習領域綱要中國小階段「內含鄉土教學綱要」,以分享鄉土教學相關的課程與教學發展者做為課程與教學發展之參考。 本研究以內容分析法和詮釋學的方法,抽離出「國小階段為範圍」的國語文、數學、社會、自然與生活科技、藝術與人文、健康與體育、綜合活動等七大學習領域課程綱要中「內含的鄉土教學綱要」。 本研究發現:國小鄉土教學已融入九年一貫課程七大學習領域課程綱要,所以九年一貫課程各學習領域綱要中已內含鄉土教學的指導綱要,鄉土教學/教材可以依此綱要的提示融入各學習領域中,這種融入各學習領域的鄉土教材除了用來「認識鄉土、發展鄉土意識與鄉土情」的教學之外,也可作為各學習領域的教材,用來達成各學習領域的分段能力指標。 本研究建議:基於九年一貫課程各學習領域已「內含鄉土教學綱要」,所以鄉土教育/教學的課程與教材發展可以直接融入各學習領域,鄝有各領域性屬性的鄉土教材直接編入各領域教科書中。如果獨立設科般的編成「鄉土教材」一冊,或者編成「融入各科的獨立手冊」,在「教學時」宜打散「融入各學習領域」來教學。


The 1993 Curriculum in Taiwan for primary school had independent course of native education materials’ outline. Nowadays the native education materials have been fused into 1-9years coherent Curriculum Outline in Taiwan. 1-9years coherent Curriculum Outline in Taiwan. The native education materials’ outline had been become involve into 2001 New Curriculum Outline in Taiwan. The author use hermenutics to anaysis the native education materials that comprise in the 7 subjects in 1-9years coherent Curriculum Outline. The aim is to anaysis the native education materials that comprise in the 7 subjects in 1-9years coherent Curriculum for the development of fusion-curriculum of native education. The finding was the native education materials’ outline has been fused into 1-9years coherent Curriculum Outline in Taiwan and formed the outline of native education of fusion-curriculum. The outline of native education of fusion-curriculum can be used in native education for fusion-curriculum development. The native education of fusion-curriculum can be used to reach the index ability of the curriculum. The author recommend the native education materials can be fused into each subject and integrate in each textbook. If the whole native education materials was included in one volume, it shoud fused into each subject when eaching.


