

應力性骨折之定義,爲骨骼因無法耐受節律的、重覆的閥下應力,而造成部份或完全的骨折。其發生於所有之運動傷害,尤以跑步造成為多。應力性骨折之初始,診斷常有困難。詳細病史與理學檢查,配合適當之X光,必要時,加以核子骨骼掃描,應可提供正確之診斷。 一名19歲某體育學院一年級主修柔道之男性學生,出現緩慢發生的右前足疼痛,此局部疼痛漸使病人無法從事運動,且影響病患之站立及走路。X光片正常。病患否認有受傷病史,但詳問之下,知其最近柔道訓練之強度與時間增加。此運動員病史與理學檢查皆意味蹠骨應力性骨折,又骨骼掃描陽性,吾人未待X光之證實,即開始復健治療。三週後追縱X光片,右足第二蹠骨之骨幹內側見有骨折。此病患於三個月後終能重返競技場。


骨折 應力性 蹠骨 骨骼掃描


A stress fracture is defined as a partial or complete fracture of bone due to the inability to withstand non-violent stress applied in a rhythmic, repeated, subthreshold manner. It could occur in any kind of sport. However, it usually occurs in running-based sports and running or jogging. Initial diagnosis of stress fracture is difficult. A careful study of the patient's history amd physical examination combined with appropriate radiographic examination, or if indicated, scintigraphy, provides a highly accurate diagnosis. A 19-year-old male athlete suffered from insidious onset of pain in the right forefoot after judo training. This focal pain eventually precluded any sporting activity and began to affect daily activities such as standing or walking. Radiographic examination was normal. However, the patient had recently had lengthy and intense judo training. With a history and physical examination suggestive a stress fracture and a positive bone scan, we commenced physical therapy immediately, without waiting for radiographic confirmation. Radiographic image was followed up 3 weeks later, which showed a fracture at the medial aspect of the second metatarsal shaft. The patient was able to return to sporting activity 3 months later.


fracture stress metatarsal bone scan
