  • 期刊


Trauma-related Vertebral Artery Dissection with Delayed Onset Cerebellar Infarction: A Case Report


年輕人小腦中風在臨床上並不常見,本文報告一位二十二歲男性,過去並沒有特殊病史,在做極限運動時不慎自腳踏車摔落,腳踏車把手撞擊左側鎖骨外側部位但未造成骨折。三天後發生頭痛、嚴重嘔吐及右側肢體無力而送醫治療,起初被診斷為疑似頭部外傷,經過一系列檢查後確定診斷為左側椎動脈剝離合併左側急性小腦、視丘及顳葉梗塞。經低分子量肝素(low-molecular-weight heparin)、抗血小板藥物和復健治療,病人有極佳的功能恢復。這一類的病人,儘早診斷和治療不但可以避免後續嚴重的併發症,配合積極性的復健,病人亦有較佳的預後。


Cerebellar stroke is uncommon in young patients. We report the case of a 22-year-old man with a delayed cerebellar infarction secondary to vertebral artery dissection caused by trauma. While riding a bicycle as part of an extreme sport, his left clavicle struck a bicycle handle. Evaluation in the emergency room led to a diagnosis of left shoulder contusion without fracture of clavicle or cervical spine. Headache, severe vomiting, and weakness of the right-sided limbs developed three days later, and he presented to emergency staff again. Head injury was initially suspected, but the diagnosis was left vertebral artery dissection with delayed-onset right cerebellar infarction. After low-molecular-weight heparin, anti-platelet medication, and rehabilitation, the patient has had a very good functional recovery. Early diagnosis and treatment can prevent serious complications related to vertebral artery dissection, as shown by the current patient, who has a good prognosis after advanced rehabilitation.
