  • 期刊



本研究以高中二年級化學課程「氣體定律」單元為學習內容,旨在探討不同科學本質觀學生解題表現與差異。選取兩班高中二年級自然組學生,人數為86人參與本研究。首先以科學本質量表測試,依照得分,將學生區分為「建構主義取向(現代觀)」的學生與「實證主義取向(傳統觀)」學生兩羣。並由兩群學生中各選取四位,進行解題研究。分析個案學生左面對算則解題時所用策略與差異,並比較兩群學生對概念了解與應用。 研究結果發現不同科學本質觀學生,在算則解題的成就統上沒有顯著差異,但是在解題過程中,建構主義取向學生比實證主義取向學生很明顯地在「問題表徵」與「評鑑解法」兩項的表現,有較佳的品質。至於在概念問題的成就上,建構主義取向學生對相同單元的概念了解程度亦優於實證主義取向學生,出現錯誤概念,類別與頻率也較少。整體而言,建構主義取向學生在這兩種形式的問題上都比實證主義取向學生表現更好。 過去的研究發現,不同的科學本質觀,會使得學生有著不同的學習導向。本研究進一步發現,不同科學本質觀的學生,在解題策略上及概念了解方面也都有所不同。所以在行解題教學時,除了增進學生對科學概念的了解,應加強學生的科學本質觀,以協助其學習方式及解題策略的改進。




Using the “gas law” unit as the content topic, the purpose of the study was to investigate student problem solving performance of groups with different view on the nature of science. Two classes of 11th graders (N=86) participated in this study. The students were divided into “constructivism oriented (contemporary) “and” positivism oriented (traditional)” two groups based on their scores of the understanding about the nature of science test. Eight students (Four from each of the two groups) were interviewed to analyze their problem strategy and conceptual understanding. It was found that there was no significant difference on algorithmic problem solving achievement between the students of constructivism and positivism. However, for the problem solving strategy, constructivism students outperform their counterpart both in “problem representation” and in “checking of solution”. In addition, constructivism students not only achieved better in conceptual problem solving test, but understand better in chemistry concepts them positivism students. Previous studies pointed that students level of understanding about the nature of science might be a significant determinant of their learning orientation. This study further found that the two groups of students (constructivism and positivism) solve chemistry problems with different strategies. All together, it is concluded that promoting student understanding about the nature of science is critical in chemistry teaching.


