  • 期刊


The Study of a Job-related Social Skills Training Program for Employed Youth with Mental Retardation


本研究目的在為智能障礙就業青年發展合適的工作社會技能訓練方案,並探討此方案之實施成效。主要以高雄市十一名「支持性就業」之智能障礙就業青年為訓練對象,訓練方案包括了團體和個人兩部分;另外為增進訓練成效,也安排個案家長之支持團體。 結果發現十一名個案在「工作人格側面圖」上之訓練前後測得分,均未達到統計上的顯著差異。然而,比較訓練前後之平均數,結果發現除了團隊合作能力此項分量表外,其他三個分量表之訓練後平均數均高於訓練前,訓練後之總平均也高於訓練前。從個別化工作社會技能訓練成效來看,其中一位個案的訓練效果最為顯著,在處理期和追蹤期均達百分之百。其他十位個案的工作社會技能在處理期均有進步,但不穩定或未達預期標準,這當中有三位個案在進入追蹤期之後,達到100%。 從訓練成果之社會效度來看,受訪的十一位雇用單位人員中有五位認為個案在部分表現上有明顯進步,八位家長中有四位認為孩子有明顯進步,其他人則認為個案雖有進步但不明顯。個案在團體訓練課程的出席狀況良好,平均出席率達90.7%。大部分個案表示喜歡訓練內容,不只讓他們學習到個人所需的工作社會技能,也擴展了他們的生活圈子和休閒活動。最後研究者提出對國內職業輔導機構和未來研究的建議。


The purpose of this study was to develop a job-related social skills training program, and examine its effects on the performance of youth with mental retardation in their jobsettings. A job-related social skills program including group and individual training programs was developed and implemented in contrived and natural settings for a group of eleven employed youth with mental retardation. In addition, a parent support group was arranged and implemented for these participants' parents to deal with the issues they encountered on assisting their children with mental retardation. The results indicated that there were no significant differences on pre-and post-test of the Work Personality Profile. However, except the sub-scale of team work abilities, the means on the post-test were higher than those on pre-test for all subscales and overall scale. On the score of individual performance on job-related social skills, most participants had made some progress but unstable. The social validity data collected from interviews with employers, colleagues, and parents indicated that five employers/colleagues, and four parents manifested the participants' distinct progress of all participants. With regard to the participation and effect of the group-training program, the mean rate of attendance for eleven participants was 90.7%. Their participation and interactions became better and better over time. In addition, most participants indicated they liked this group training program very much. As a whole, the job-related social skills program washelpful for youth with mental retardation on the performance of job-related social skills. Finally, the researchers made some suggestions for the design of a job-related social skill sprogram, and future research.


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