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A Comparative Study in the Use of Reading Comprehension Strategy by 5th Grade Students with Low and High Reading Skills


本研究旨在運用「專家—生手模式」比較國小五年級高閱讀理解能力與低閱讀理解能力學生,閱讀時使用理解策略增進理解或克服理解困難之狀況的差異。研究對象包括國小五年級高、低閱讀理解能力學生各六位,兩組受試的智力與識字能力約略相等。研究者使用放聲思考與晤談兩種方法來收集資料。整個研究之的結果如下: 1.高閱讀理解能力學生在閱讀時,經常使用釋義與聯想延伸等兩項理解策略來增進閱讀理解。當碰到較難理解的內容時,他們會放慢閱讀速度,運用重讀策略,仔細重讀尚未能理解的部分;或者運用形成問題策略與理解監控策略,把不懂的部分變成問題來引導自己思考,並隨時監控自己的理解狀況以便調整因應。 2.低閱讀理解能力學生在閱讀時,經常使用釋義策略來增進閱讀理解。對於難度較高的文章,除了釋義策略外,也會使用聯想延伸與複述策略,對文章內容加以聯想延伸,或者複述所讀的部分詞句來增進理解。 3.在整理文章要點方面,高閱讀理解能力學生傾向於從整體的角度來組織文章的要點,並且使用比較抽象的文字;低閱讀理解能力學生傾向於從局部的方向來整理文章的重點,而且使用的是比較形象的文字,敘述方式也比較沒有組織。 4.當閱讀理解遭遇困難時,高閱讀理解能力學生會以比較積極的方式來克服因應;低閱讀理解能力學生則較傾向於使用迴避的因應方式。 5.對理解狀況及分心狀況的覺察情形,低閱讀理解能力學生對自己之理解狀況的覺察比較弱;高閱讀理解能力學生比較能覺察自己的分心狀況,而且能針對自己的分心現象提出補救措施。


The purposes of this study were to use the expert-novice analysis as the research model for determining the cognitive caurse of poor comprehensers. Expert-novice studiesare extremently useful for identifying potential cognitive factors for difference experts (students with high reading ability) and novice (students with low reading ability). Six fifth-grade students with low reading comprehension skills and six higt reading comprehension skills students participated in the study. There are little difference in the IQ and word recognition skills. Two methodologies, thinking aloud and interview, are used to investigate the while reading. The results of the study are follow: 1.Paraphrasing and elaborating are the two comprehensive strategy often used toimproving the reading comprehension by the high and low comprehensive abilities students. 2.Students with high comprehensive abilities employ the whole and organized approachto summarize the content. 3.Students with high comprehensive abilities monitor their comprehensive and attractive state frequently and precisely. They use the backtracking, comprehensive monitoring, questions generating to overcome the difficulties of comprehension in reading.


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