  • 期刊


The Quality of School Life of the Gifted and Talented Students in Junior High school


本研究旨在瞭解我國國中資優學生的學校生活素質之相關現況並探究不同心理背景變項(樂觀性格、學習動機)、不同人口背景變項(性別、年級)及不同資優背景變項(資優類別、教育安置)之國中資優學生於學校生活素質各層面之差異情形。 研究對象為九十一學年度台灣地區(包含台北市、高雄市)國中一、二、三年級之五類資優學生,共計416名,以研究者自編之「資賦優異學生學校生活素質量表」作為資料收集的工具,並以描述性統計、理由歸納、多(單)變量共變數分析等統計方法加以處理分析。 研究結果發現:(一)在封閉式量表中,國中資優學生所知覺的整體學校生活素質是正向且積極的,而各層面滿意程度依序是同儕友誼、校園環境、自我成長、學習樂趣及教師關懷。(二)在半開放式問卷中,對校園環境層面滿意與否的理由至少包括:學校的設備、環境的清靜等;對教師關懷包括:教師的性格、對學生的關懷等;對同儕友誼包括:同儕的接納程度、同儕間的互動等;對學習樂趣包括:學習的趣味性、學習的成就感等;對自我成長包括:認知層面的增長及情意層面的成熟等。(三)在不同背景變項之差異情形,樂觀性格差異隨各層面及學習動機條件而有所不同;學習動機差異主要源於自我成長、學習樂趣、教師關懷及同儕友誼;性別差異主要源於校園環境及同儕友誼;年級差異主要源於校園環境、教師關懷、學習樂趣、自我成長;資優類別差異主要源於校園環境、教師關懷及學習成長;而教育安置於五層面皆未達顯著差異。 根據上述研究結果,本研究提出研究結論及強化師生溝通、提升學習樂趣、擴展研究對象、增列研究變項、進行質性訪談等若干研究建議,以供未來研究之參考。


The purpose of this survey research was, first, to investigate the present situation of the quality of school life of the gifted and talented students at junior high school. Second, to investigate the differences in the quality of school life by three respects of the following variables: the psychological background(optimistic character, learning motivation), the demographic background(gender, grade),the gifted education background(G/T category, educational placement). Amount to 416 G/T students involved in the survey research. The survey instrument was self-administered named ”The G/T Quality of School Life Scales”. The data obtained were analyzed by the descriptive statistic, qualitative reason categorization, and MANCOVA. The main findings were summarized as follows:1.The quality of school life of G/T students at junior high school was positive.2.There were significant differences in the quality of school life between different optimistic character, learning motivation, gender, grade and G/T category.3.There were no significant differences in the quality of school life between different educational placement. According to the findings, the researcher proposed conclusion and some suggestions for educational practice and further research.


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