  • 期刊


A Survey on the Current Status of the Services of Assistive Technology Device in Early Intervention Institutes in Southern Taiwan


本研究旨在探究南部地區公、私立早期療育機構,提供輔具服務的現況。研究者採用自編問卷,調查台灣南部7縣市19所早期療育機構的治療師、學前特教教師,以及教保、社工等62位服務人員,探尋人員背景屬性對提供輔具服務的有用知覺、易用知覺,以及二者與輔具服務程度、成效之間的關係。研究結果發現: 1.早療機構人員提供輔具服務之有用知覺評價偏高。 2.早療機構人員提供輔具服務之易用知覺評價不一。 3.早療機構人員提供輔具服務程度以輔具諮詢最高。 4.早療機構人員提供輔具服務成效符合需求。 5.不同背景之早療機構人員,輔具服務有用知覺並無差異。 6.服務年資不同之早療機構人員,提供輔具服務易用知覺有明顯差異。 7.早療機構服務人員職位階層高低與提供輔具服務程度影響力呈正比例關係。 8.早療機構立案屬性不同,提供輔具服務的程度亦有差異。 9.早療機構服務人員之有用知覺、易用知覺顯著影響提供輔具服務程度與服務成效。 最後,根據結果對早期療育服務相關人員及未來研究提出具體建議。


The purpose of this survey targeted at seven cities and counties in Southern Taiwan on the services of assistive technology device in early intervention institutes. The questionnaire survey approach was employed to investigate how those services of assistive technology device were provided in 19 early intervention institutes. Sixty-two subjects include administrative personnel, therapists, specialists for social work, and special education educators, etc. of public or private early intervention institutions. The results could be summarized as follows: 1. The personnel in early intervention institutes was with high level of perceived usefulness on the services for providing assistive technology device. 2. The personnel in early intervention institutes was with different level of perceived ease of use on the services for providing assistive technology device. 3. The most of the serviced concerning assistive technology device provided by the personnel in early intervention institutes were counseling service. 4. The effectiveness of serviced provision for the personnel in early intervention institutes concerning assistive technology device conformed the demand. 5. There were no discrepancies in the level of perceived usefulness of service provision concerning assistive technology device for the personnel in early intervention institutes. 6. There was a significant difference in personal seniority for the level of perceived ease of use for the personnel in early intervention institutes providing those services concerning assistive technology device. 7. There was a significant difference in personal position for the personnel in early intervention institutes providing those services concerning assistive technology device. 8. There were discrepancies between public and private early intervention institutes on the degree of service provision concerning assistive technology device. 9. Both the perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use for the personnel in early intervention institutes affects the degree and effectiveness of the service provision concerning assistive technology device. Based on the results, some suggestions concerning the provision of services on assistive technology device were drawn to those related people of early intervention and future research.


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