  • 期刊


Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Hearing Impairments Students' Learning Satisfaction with Physical Education Inventory


本研究目的在發展聽覺障礙學生體育課滿意度量表,以驗證因素分析考驗量表的適合度。量表改編蔡育佑(民91)聽覺障礙學生運動滿意度量表,以聽覺障礙276人為研究對象,採用探索性因素分析與驗證因素分析考驗量表的適合度。經Lisrel 8.54統計軟體分析之後,採用最大概似法估計量表假設模式的適配程度。研究結果顯示聽覺障礙態度量表驗證式因素分析模式是一個有效的建構,其χ^2=21.33、GFI=0.98、RMSEA=0.02、SRMR=0.03、CFI=0.99、NNFI=0.99、PNFI=0.59、CN=值431.78、χ2/df=1.25。包括教師教學、場地設備、學習效果等三個構面共8道題目,而三個構面分別代表不同的潛在變項與假設的測量模式相符。表示教師教學、場地設備、學習效果等三個潛在依變項及八個觀察變項皆可以有效地作為聽覺障礙學生體育課滿意度的測量指標。在整體的建構信度為0.75及三個個別潛在依變項的信度值為0.61-0.77,均顯示出此量表具有當良好之信度。故此量表是具有建構效度與建構信度且適用於測量聽覺障礙學生體育課滿意度之量表,可以提供未來研究聽覺障礙體育課滿意度的測量工具。


The purpose of this study was to develop the factor structure of the hearing impairments students learning satisfaction with physical education through exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis. The inventory was developed by Yu-You Tsai (2002), to measure deaf students learning satisfaction with physical education. Students (N=276) form school responded to the inventory. Procedures in Windows LISREL 8.54 computer program were utilized. The maximum likelihood estimation was adopted. The result 3 factors were teaching, field and facilities and learning outcomes of 8 items. The distinction latent variable to be consistent with same measure model for the hypothesize model. The measure might provide the deaf students learning satisfaction with physical education instrument. The maximum likelihood estimation was adopted. The overall fit measures of the measurement model are as the followings: χ^2=21.33、GFI=0.98、RMSEA=0.02、SRMR=0.03、CFI=0.99、NNFI=0.99、PNFI=0.59、CN=431.78、χ(superscript 2/df)=1.25. This indicates that all the three potential dependant variables, including instructors' teaching, field equipment and learning effects, as well as eight observational variables could all be taken as valid indexes. Significant reliability is shown in the reliability of the entire construct, 0.75, and that of the five individual potential dependant variables, from 0.61-0.77. Accordingly, this scale of construct validity and reliability is applicable to the hearing impairments students learning satisfaction with physical education.


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